Yoomi Park
“Hyunseung oppa, janji yah kau tidak akan meninggalkanku selamanya”
“Oh, tentu saja. Aku akan selalu melindungimu apapun yang terjadi sampai aku mati. Aku berjanji”
“Sungguh??Benar??Aku benar-benar sayang oppa!! Terima kasih,oppa!!”


HyunSeung terbangun dari tidurnya. Dia melihat dua teman sekamarnya yang telah rapi dengan pakaian mereka. Dia lupa kalau hari ini adalah hari pertama mereka masuk kuliah. Setelah masuk ke asrama kampus 2 minggu yang lalu, dia langsung akrab dengan teman-teman sekamarnya, Yoon Doo Joon dan Yong Jun Hyung. Mereka pun akrab dengan tiga orang lainnya yang juga satu paviliun dengan mereka di asrama kampus itu. Mereka adalah Yang Yo Seob, Lee Gi Kwang dan Son Dong Woon. Mereka ber-enam bertemu saat orientasi mahasiswa baru di Seoul University dan langsung akrab karena mereka mengikuti jurusan yang sama yaitu, akting. Paviliun yang mereka tempati adalah paviliun khusus bagi anak-anak yang cukup “ber-uang”. Paviliun mereka memiliki 3 kamar tidur, 3 kamar mandi, ruang tamu, dapur, ruang makan dan ruang belajar bersama. Kamar pertama yang berada di dekat ruang tamu ditempati oleh Yo Seob dan Doo Joon. Kamar kedua yang berada di seberang kamar pertama di tempati oleh Jun Hyung dan Gi Kwang. Kamar terakhir yang berada dekat ruang belajar ditempati oleh Hyun Seung dan Dong Woon.

“YA!! Dasar kau pemalas, Jang Hyun Seung!!! Cepat bersiap-siap!!! Kelas sebentar lagi akan dimulai!!”, omel Jun Hyung yang melihat Hyun Seung keluar dari kamar dengan berantakan.Muka Hyun Seung terlihat pucat dan mengeluarkan banyak keringat di tubuhnya. Dia berjalan menunduk.

“Apa kau mendapatkan mimpi yang sama lagi, Hyun Seung??”, Doo Joon bertanya pada Hyun Seung yang berjalan sempoyongan. Doo Joon adalah yang paling tua di paviliun itu. Dia paling dewasa di antara mereka.

“Ah, iya. Aku bingung mengapa aku selalu bermimpi seperti itu setiap hari sejak aku tiba di Seoul. Aku tidak pernah tenang saat bangun, seperti ada yang menghantuiku dan selalu membuat hatiku tidak tenang mengkhawatirkan sesuatu”, Hyun Seung menatap mata Doo Joon dengan suatu kesedihan yang terpancar dari matanya.

Doo Joon menepuk pundak Hyun Seung dan memberikan semangat. Hyun Seung tersenyum pada Doo Joon dan berterima-kasih padanya. Sementara Doo Joon sedang bersiap-siap untuk pergi sarapan dengan Jun Hyung di cafetaria kampus, Hyun Seung segera berjalan menuju kamar mandi sambil menyeret handuknya. Yo Seob keluar dari kamarnya dan mendapati Hyun Seung yang belum mandi.

“Aigoo, Hyun Seung. Kau itu.. Cepatlah mandi. Kalau tidak nanti akan terlambat masuk ke kelas. Ingat, hari ini adalah hari pertama kita masuk kuliah. Kudengar dosen kita hari ini sangat galak loh?! Ya sudah ya, aku duluan. YA!!! YONG JUN HYUNG!!! YOON DOO JOON!! TUNGGU AKU!!! AKU IKUT KE CAFETARIA!!”, teriak Yo Seob yang hampir memekakkan telinga Hyun Seung.

“Ya!! Kau bisa berteriak setelah menjauhi aku kan?! Suaramu itu kencang sekali!!! Dasar kau!!”, omel Hyun Seung sambil memegang telinga kirinya dan memukul kecil kepala Yo Seob. Yo Seob hanya tertawa kecil lalu menghampiri kedua temannya itu.


Hyun Seung sudah selesai berpakaian namun dia tidak sempat untuk sarapan. Kelas akan dimulai 10 menit lagi dan waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk sampai ke kampus adalah sekitar 15 menit. Dia tahu kalau dia akan terlambat 5 menit. Sementara ke-lima temannya itu sudah berada di kelas, Hyun Seung masih berlarian di koridor kampus. Ponselnya bergetar tiba-tiba. Dia melihat ponselnya lalu berhenti berlari. Dia benar-benar melihat nama yang meneleponnya. Dia tersenyum lalu segera mengangkatnya.

“Oppa?? Kenapa kau lama sekali menjawab telponku?? Aku sudah meneleponmu hampir 10 kali tapi tidak kau jawab-jawab. Kau terlambat?? Kau payah sekali, sih!! Ugh...”,omel seorang wanita diujung sana. Hyun Seung hanya tersenyum mendengar suara itu. Dia begitu merindukan suara itu. Sudah hampir 2 minggu dia tidak mendengar suara lembut itu. Dia melanjutkan larinya setelah melihat jam.

“Ah, maaf, Chae Hee-ya. Oppa memang terlambat. Oppa akan telepon kamu lagi nanti, ya. Kelas akan segera dimulai”,katanya sambil terengah-engah.

“Kau memang tidak pernah berubah. Baiklah, kutunggu teleponmu ya. Berjuanglah di hari pertamamu!! Itu yang ingin kukatakan sebenarnya. Hahaha. Dan juga, aku rindu oppa. Oke, sampai nanti!!!”, wanita bernama Chae Hee itu segera menutup teleponnya setelah sedikit menyemangati Hyun Seung.

Sesampainya di kelas, Hyun Seung langsung duduk di samping Dong Woon, salah satu temannya yang paling muda. Dia beruntung karena dosennya belum datang. Dengan nafas yang tersengal-sengal dia menaruh kepalanya di meja. Dong Woon hanya tersenyum melihat temannya itu. Gi Kwang yang akhirnya menoleh ke tempat Dong Woon ikut tersenyum melihat Hyun Seung yang memejamkan matanya karena kelelahan. Doo Joon, Jun Hyung dan Yo Seob juga melihat ke arah Hyun Seung setelah Gi Kwang memberi-tahu mereka kalau teman mereka sudah sampai.

Doo Joon segera menghampiri Hyun Seung lalu menepuk kecil pundak temannya itu. Hyun Seung membuka matanya lalu bangun. Dia tersenyum pada Doo Joon yang memberikan air minum padanya. Dengan segera dia meminum air itu. Dia terus-terusan tersenyum. Kata-kata Chae Hee terngiang-ngiang terus di kepalanya. Ya, Hyun Seung menyukai Chae Hee.

Chae Hee adalah teman Hyun Seung semasa kecil karena mereka adalah tetangga. Chae Hee adalah gadis yang sangat cantik. Tubuhnya tinggi semampai dengan pinggulnya yang sangat kecil. Rambutnya yang berwarna coklat kemerahan itu selalu dibiarkannya terurai walau terkadang saat sedang berolahraga atau melukis diikat olehnya. Chae Hee adalah murid wanita terpopuler di sekolahnya namun dia tidak pernah punya pacar. Chae Hee memiliki banyak keahlian di bidang seni. Dia bisa melukis, bermain piano, biola, bahkan dia bisa bernyanyi. Suaranya sangat merdu untuk didengar. Chae Hee juga berbakat di bidang olahraga. Karena tubuhnya yang tinggi semampai, dia pandai bermain basket dan volley. Dia juga adalah murid terpintar di sekolahnya.

Perbedaan umur Hyun Seung dengan Chae Hee tidak terpaut jauh. Hyun Seung lebih tua satu tahun dari Chae Hee. Chae Hee saat ini masih bersekolah di Nam Hyun Art High School. Chae Hee akan segera lulus dari sekolahnya dan akan mengikuti Hyun Seung melanjutkan kuliah di Seoul University di bagian Seni.

Hyun Seung sudah menyukai Chae Hee sejak 3 tahun yang lalu saat Chae Hee hendak lulus dari sekolah menengah pertamanya. Hyun Seung menyukai Chae Hee sejak dia melihat Chae Hee sedang bermain basket bersama teman-teman sekolahnya di lapangan sekitar kompleks perumahan mereka. Itu pertama kalinya Hyun Seung melihat Chae Hee bermain basket. Dia semakin menyukai Chae Hee ketika tahu kalau Chae Hee adalah kapten tim basket putri di sekolahnya. Dia melihat sisi lain dari Chae Hee yang biasanya terlihat anggun. Hyun seung selalu tidak percaya diri untuk menyatakan cintanya pada Chae Hee yang sudah dipendamnya selama 3 tahun terakhir.

Hyun Seung yang sedari-tadi tersenyum karena kata-kata Chae Hee, “Aku rindu oppa”, terus terngiang di telinganya, tak menyadari kalau dosennya sudah datang dan sudah mulai mengajar. Hyun Seung benar-benar tidak fokus pada pelajaran pertamanya.

“Hyung!! Hyung!! Kau kenapa?? Kenapa dari-tadi tersenyum tidak jelas begitu??”,tegur Dong Woon yang mulai takut dengan sikap temannya itu.

“Oh?! Ah, tidak apa-apa. Kapan kelasnya selesai??”, lamunan Hyun Seung buyar.

“Ya ampun! Kelas saja bari dimulai 30 menit yang lalu dan kau bertanya kapan selesai?? Masih ada 2 jam 30 menit lagi, hyung!! Kau ini bagaimana sih?? Masa tidak lihat jadwal?? Lagipula kita masih ada mata kuliah berikutnya dan menghabiskan 2 jam di kelas”, jelas Dong Woon panjang lebar. Hyun Seung hanya bengong mendengar penjelasan Dong Woon. Itu artinya masih butuh sekitar 5 jam lagi untuk bisa menelepon Chae Hee. Hyun Seung membenarkan posisi duduknya dan merasa kecewa.

5 Jam berlalu. Hyun Seung yang memasang muka kusut sedari-tadi akhirnya kembali tersenyum. Dia segera berlari ke paviliun sambil memencet tombol nomor 1 pada ponselnya. Teman-temannya hanya bisa memandanginya dengan heran. Mereka tak pernah melihat Hyun Seung seperti itu. Mereka langsung bisa menebak pasti seorang gadis dan itu artinya Hyun Seung sedang jatuh cinta. Doo Joon hanya tersenyum. Dia tahu mengenai gadis itu karena Hyun Seung sering menceritakan tentang gadis itu pada Doo Joon. Doo Joon tahu kalau gadis itu sangat baik walau dia belum pernah bertemu dengan gadis itu.

“YA, LEE CHAE HEE!!! Kenapa kau lama sekali menjawab teleponku??”, kata Hyun Seung pada wanita yang ada di ujung telepon sambil merebahkan dirinya di tempat tidur.

“Oh?! Oppa?? Maaf yah. Tapi aku sedang ada tamu. Tak enak kalau bicara di telepon saat ada tamu di rumah. Nanti kutelepon lagi deh. Ok, oppa?!”

“YA!! Tamu kau bilang?? Laki-laki??”, Hyun Seung agak sedikit tak tenang atau bisa di bilang dia sedang cemburu setelah tak sengaja mendengar suara laki-laki yang memanggil nama Chae Hee di ujung sana.

“Oh?! Iya. Dia anak teman ayah. Kami seumuran dan satu sekolah. Kau tau tidak oppa?! Dia akan menikah loh tahun depan!! Mereka kesini untuk mengantar undangan. Memang sih, mereka dijodohkan. Kasihan dia. Padahal masih kecil tapi harus ikut kemauan ayahnya menikah dengan wanita yang lebih tua pula. Ya walaupun hanya beda 1 tahun sih. Eeeh, kenapa aku jadi cerita-cerita sama oppa?? Ya sudah ya. Nanti kuhubungi lagi. Bye~!”, Chae Hee menutup teleponnya dengan segera.

Ada sedikit kelegaan di hati Hyun Seung saat Chae Hee mengatakan kalau mereka kesana hanya untuk mengantar undangan. Itu artinya Chae Hee masih single dan dia masih ada kesempatan untuk menyatakan perasaannya. Satu-satunya hal yang ditakutkan Hyun Seung adalah ayah Chae Hee. Walaupun keluarga mereka dekat dan ayah Chae Hee juga dekat dengannya, dia selalu takut tidak diterima oleh ayah Chae Hee karena ayah Chae Hee mencari menantu laki-laki yang juga berlatar belakang seorang pengusaha. Keluarga Hyun Seung memang kaya-raya karena ayahnya adalah pengusaha terkenal seperti ayah Chae Hee. Namun, Hyun Seung sendiri memiliki mimpinya sendiri. Dia ingin terjun ke dunia entertainment. Dia tahu kalau ayah Chae Hee tidak akan suka jika anaknya menikahi seorang superstar. Tapi kali ini tekad Hyun Seung untuk menyatakan perasaanya pada Chae Hee sudah bulat. Dia akan mengatakannya pada saat libur musim dingin yang akan datang sekitar 3 bulan lagi.


3 Bulan Kemudian

Seluruh murid-murid yang ada di Korea baik yang masih bersekolah ataupun sudah kuliah, akan menghabiskan masa liburan musim dingin mereka selama 1 bulan. Ini merupakan moment yang sangat mereka nantikan setelah liburan musim panas selama 3 bulan. Semua murid sudah menyiapkan banyak rencana untuk menghabiskan waktu saat liburan mereka tak terkecuali para murid pria yang ada di Seoul University itu.

Jun Hyung yang sudah memiliki kekasih bernama Kang Min Ji, akan menghabiskan liburannya bersama sang kekasih di Pulau Jeju. Mereka tidak pergi berdua saja. Gi Kwang dan kekasihnya, Baek Seung Mi juga Yo Seob dan Dong Woon akan ikut.

Gi Kwang dan Seung Mi bertemu di cafetaria kampus saat makan siang 2 bulan yang lalu. Seung Mi yang menyukai Gi Kwang terlebih dulu, terus-terusan mengejar Gi Kwang dan berhasil mendapatkan hati Gi Kwang. Mereka resmi berpacaran 1 bulan yang lalu. Seung Mi merupakan siswi fakultas hukum. Seung Mi adalah siswi terpandai di fakultasnya. Seung Mi tidak begitu cantik dan menarik tapi karena hatinya yang baik, Gi Kwang akhirnya jatuh hati padanya. Satu-satunya hal yang sangat disukai Gi Kwang dari Seung Mi selain hatinya yang baik adalah suara emas nan merdu milik Seung Mi. Gi Kwang sangat senang mendengarkan kekasihnya itu saat sedang bernyanyi.
Lain dengan Jun Hyung dan Min Ji. Mereka bertemu di dekat tempat kerja Min Ji yaitu mini-market milik kampus sekitar 3 bulan yang lalu. Min Ji yang saat itu sedang bekerja sambilan di sana, tak sengaja menyiram Jun Hyung yang sedang lewat dengan air bekas dia mengepel lantai mini-market. Berapa-kalipun Min Ji meminta maaf, Jun Hyung tidak pernah memaafkannya malah selalu mengerjai Min Ji walaupun dia hanya menyuruh orang-orang untuk mengerjai Min Ji. Hingga akhirnya, Min Ji yang kehilangan kesabaran menghampiri Jun Hyung lalu menamparnya. Jun Hyung yang tidak tahu kalau Min Ji adalah cucu dari pemilik Seoul University, membawa Min Ji ke ruang rektor untuk mengadukan perbuatan Min Ji. Pada akhirnya, justru Jun Hyunglah yang kena hukuman karena sang rektor tahu kalau Min Ji adalah cucu dari pemilik universitas yang juga adalah murid fakultas seni.

Entah kenapa, Jun Hyung selalu menghindar saat berpapasan dengan Min Ji di kampus. Dia selalu merasakan detak jantungnya yang tak beraturan jika melihat Min Ji setelah malam pesta dansa yang di laksanakan 2 bulan yang lalu. Min Ji saat itu memakai gaun pendek berwarna biru muda yang memperlihatkan kulit punggung dan lengannya yang putih mulus. Rambut Min Ji yang digelung memperlihatkan lehernya yang jenjang dan sangat menawan. Wajah Min Ji juga sangat terlihat cantik dengan make-up natural yang dipakainya. Malam itu, Min Ji benar-benar terlihat anggun dan menawan. Jun Hyung terbelalak melihat Min Ji yang seperti itu hingga akhirnya dia jatuh cinta pada Min Ji. Tak lama berselang, Jun Hyung menyatakan perasaanya pada Min Ji lalu mereka menjadi sepasang kekasih.

Mereka akan berangkat ke pulau Jeju 3 hari lagi dan sedang bersiap-siap dengan bawaan mereka masing-masing. Doo Joon dan Hyun Seung masih belum memutuskan ingin pergi kemana. Mereka tak mau ikut ke pulau Jeju karena mereka sudah bosan ke pulau Jeju.

Tiba-tiba Hyun Seung ingat akan tekadnya untuk menyatakan perasaan pada Chae Hee. Dia langsung mengepak-ngepak barangnya. Dia ingin pulang ke rumahnya dan melepas rindu yang sudah dipendamnya selama 4 bulan. Mereka hanya berhubungan lewat telepon dan itu masih belum cukup bagi Hyun Seung. Dia ingin melihat wajah Chae Hee.

Doo Joon yang melihat Hyun Seung sedang mengepak barang-barangnya terlihat heran. Dia menghampiri Hyun Seung yang sedang merapikan barang-barangnya itu. Dia menepuk pelan pundak Hyun Seung yang sedang memakai ear-phonenya.

“Hyun Seung, kau mau kemana?? Sudah dapat tempat untuk berlibur??”

“Uhm.. Ya, kurasa aku sudah dapat tempat berlibur. Ada apa?? Kau belum dapat tempat??”

“Ya, aku belum menemukan tempat untuk menghabiskan liburanku”

“Kenapa kau tak pulang saja ke rumah?? Kau tak rindu pada keluargamu?? Aku saja akan kembali ke rumah. Aku rindu keluargaku”

“Oh?! Tidak bisa. Orang tuaku sedang pergi untuk urusan bisnisnya dan kakak perempuanku sedang sibuk dengan pekerjaannya. Di rumah aku hanya akan berdiam diri saja. Tak ada satupun anggota keluarga di rumah. Menyebalkan sekali, bukan?! Hey, bagaimana kalau aku ikut kau saja?? Sekalian aku ingin kenal dengan keluargamu”.

Hyun Seung berpikir sejenak dan akhirnya ia mengiyakan kemauan Doo Joon. Hitung-hitung sekalian dia ingin mengenalkan Doo Joon pada adik perempuannya yang sebaya dengan Chae Hee. Siapa tahu adiknya akan suka dengan Doo Joon. Doo Joon segera kembali ke kamarnya dan merapikan semua barang-barang yang akan dibawanya ke rumah Hyun Seung. Dia sangat senang akhirnya bisa pergi berlibur biarpun hanya menginap di rumah temannya ketimbang pulang ke rumahnya yang sepi tak ada orang itu.

Setelah selesai bersiap, Hyun Seung dan Doo Joon segera pamit pada empat orang teman mereka lalu pergi meninggalkan paviliun. Mereka mengendarai Porsche Carrera GT Silver milik Hyun Seung.

Setibanya di rumah Hyun Seung yang tidak begitu jauh dari Seoul University, Doo Joon segera menyapa keluarga Hyun Seung yang sudah menunggu di depan rumah untuk menyapa Hyun Seung yang mereka rindukan. Hyun Seung sendiri tidak langsung masuk ke rumah. Dia segera berlari ke rumah Chae Hee yang berjarak hanya beda 3 rumah dari rumahnya. Namun, hanya rasa kecewa yang didapatnya. Chae Hee tidak berada di rumah. Dia kembali ke rumahnya dengan sedih.

“Oppa, mencari Chae Hee ya??”, tanya Geu Rim, adik perempuan Hyun Seung saat melihat kakaknya masuk ke dalam rumah sambil tersenyum iseng pada kakaknya itu.

“Hmm.. Dia tak ada di rumah. Kemana dia??”

“Chae Hee belum pulang sekolah, oppa!! Ini kan hari terakhirnya di sekolah sebelum libur musim dingin!! Lihat saja jam!! Ini masih jam 10 pagi, oppa!!”, tawa Geu Rim. Geu Rim tahu kakaknya sangat menyukai Chae Hee.

“Ah, iya!! Aku yang terlalu bersemangat ingin sekali bertemu dengannya. Ya sudah nanti sore aku akan kesana lagi. Sudah ya, oppa istirahat dulu. Omma, appa.. Apa kabar?? Aku sudah pulang”, kata Hyun Seung sambil masuk ke kamarnya.

Saat di kamar, Hyun Seung melihat Doo Joon yang sedang memperhatikan foto-foto yang terpampang di meja miliknya. Doo Joon berhenti di satu bingkai foto. Matanya lurus kearah foto tersebut. Hyun Seung mengikuti arah mata Doo Joon. Foto itu adalah foto Hyun Seung bersama Geu Rim dan Chae Hee.

“Kenapa?? Cantik ya??”, tanya Hyun Seung pada Doo Joon sambil merebahkan tubuhnya di tempat tidurnya yang besar itu. Dia mengira kalau Doo Joon melihat kearah adiknya.

“Ya,cantik. Sangat cantik”, jawab Doo Joon tak berkedip dari foto tersebut.

Hyun Seung terlelap dalam tidurnya. Doo Joon yang sama sekali tidak mengantuk memutuskan untuk berkeliling di sekitar kompleks perumahan Hyun Seung. Saat dia berjalan di taman dekat rumah Hyun Seung, dia menabrak seseorang. Dia meminta maaf pada gadis yang ditabraknya dan menolong gadis itu untuk berdiri. Saat Doo Joon melihat wajah sang gadis, matanya terbelalak. Dia adalah wanita yang ada di foto Hyun Seung tadi. Doo Joon merasakan detak jantungnya yang menjadi cepat ketika melihat gadis itu tersenyum padanya. Tak lama, gadis itu pergi meninggalkan Doo Joon dan berlari kearah rumahnya. Doo Joon masih tak bergerak dari posisinya. Dia tidak tahu kalau itu adalah Chae Hee, wanita yang sangat dicintai temannya. Kini, dia merasa kalau sepertinya dia menyukai gadis itu.

Sore hari, Hyun Seung yang baru bangun dari tidurnya yang cukup lama itu tidak menemukan Doo Joon di rumahnya. Dia melihat jam dan langsung masuk ke kamar mandi. Dia berpakaian dengan sangat rapi setelah selesai mandi. Dia segera berlari ke rumah Chae Hee.

Chae Hee yang membuka pintu, sedikit terkejut namun langsung memeluk Hyun Seung dengan erat. Hyun Seung tersenyum lega saat melihat Chae Hee yang membuka pintu. Dia sangat senang Chae Hee memeluknya dengan erat.

“OPPA!!! OPPA!! OPPA!! Aku kangen banget sama oppa!!! Kenapa baru pulang sekarang?? Aku benar-benar kangen sama oppa!!”, teriak Chae Hee saat melepas pelukannya. Mereka tidak tahu kalau Doo Joon sedang memperhatikan mereka dari jauh.

“Oppa, ayo masuk!! Ayah dan ibu pasti senang melihat oppa lagi!!”, kata Chae Hee sambil menggandeng tangan Hyun Seung.

Doo Joon akhirnya tahu kalau ternyata selama ini gadis itulah yang dimaksud oleh Hyun Seung di setiap ceritanya. Dia tidak ingin merebut orang yang disayang oleh temannya tapi hatinya berkata lain. Dia sangat ingin memiliki gadis itu, seperti ada magnet dari gadis itu yang menariknya. Dia kembali ke rumah Hyun Seung dan makan malam dengan keluarga Hyun Seung sementara Hyun Seung makan malam di rumah Chae Hee.

Malam harinya, saat Doo Joon dan Hyun Seung sedang bersiap untuk tidur, Doo Joon bertanya pada Hyun Seung siapa nama gadis yang ada di foto itu. Saat Hyun Seung menyebut nama Chae Hee, tekad Doo Joon semakin bulat untuk tidak jatuh cinta pada gadis itu.

Malam itu, Doo Joon tidak bisa tidur karena terus mengingat wajah Chae Hee. Dia akhirnya keluar ke balkon kamar Hyun Seung. Saat sedang melihat ke kanan, dia bisa melihat Chae Hee yang sedang berada di balkon kamarnya. Kelihatannya Chae Hee juga tidak bisa tidur. Doo Joon melihat ke sekelilingnya. Hanya ada dua balkon, yaitu balkon kamar Hyun Seung dan Chae Hee. Rumah-rumah yang lain tidak memiliki balkon.

Chae Hee yang sedang mondar-mandir di balkon kamarnya tak sengaja melihat ke arah balkon kamar Hyun Seung. Dia kaget melihat pria yang ia tabrak tadi siang ada di sana. Dia lalu tersenyum dan membungkuk pada Doo Joon. Doo Joon membalasnya. Chae Hee memberanikan diri bertanya pada Doo Joon mengapa dia berada di balkon kamar Hyun seung. Doo Joon yang tidak mendengar apa yang dikatakan oleh Chae Hee langsung membuat kode agar gadis itu turun ke depan rumah dan bertemu dengannya di bawah. Chae Hee mengerti lalu langsung turun ke bawah untuk menemui Doo Joon.

“Uhmm, maaf kalau aku bertanya tak sopan seperti ini, tapi aku benar-benar penasaran kenapa kau ada di balkon kamar Hyun Seung oppa?! Kau kenal dengan Hyun Seung oppa??”, tanya Chae Hee ragu-ragu saat mereka bertemu di depan rumah Chae Hee.

“Ah,iya. Aku teman Hyun Seung di kampus. Perkenalkan namaku Doo Joon, Yoon Doo Joon. Maaf yah tadi siang aku menabrakmu.”, jawab Doo Joon ramah dengan senyumnya yang mungkin bisa melelehkan setiap hati wanita yang melihatnya. Ia berusaha menutupi degupan jantungnya yang begitu kencang saat bersama dengan gadis ini dengan senyumannya.

“Oh, halo, Doo Joon oppa. Namaku Chae Hee, Lee Chae Hee. Salam kenal yah.”, balas Chae Hee dengan ramah. Tak lupa pula ia sertakan senyumannya yang sangat manis.

Mereka saling berkenalan dan akhirnya semakin dekat malam itu. Mereka banyak membicarakan tentang Hyun Seung. Sebenarnya, Doo Joon agak sedikit sakit hati saat Chae Hee menceritakan semua kebiasaan baik maupun buruk Hyun Seung sambil tersenyum. Entah kenapa, Chae Hee juga merasakan hal yang sama dengan Doo Joon. Jantungnya berdegup dengan kencang saat melihat pria itu menatap dirinya dengan tegas dan tersenyum padanya. Mukanya merah padam saat Doo Joon untuk kesekian kalinya tersenyum pada dirinya.

Hari semakin larut dan Chae Hee terlihat semakin mengantuk. Tanpa sadar, Chae Hee tertidur di pundak Doo Joon dengan tenang. Doo Joon melihat wajah gadis itu dari dekat dan perlahan bibirnya mendekati bibir ranum Chae Hee. Belum sempat ia mencium bibir Chae Hee, gadis itu terbangun karena kaget dan tak sengaja bibir mereka bersentuhan. Chae Hee dan Doo Joon kaget secara bersamaan. Muka Chae Hee merah padam saat dia melepaskan ciuman itu. Itu adalah ciuman pertamanya.

“Ma..maaf..”, kata Chae Hee lalu berlari ke rumahnya sambil memegangi bibirnya.

Doo Joon juga kembali ke rumah Hyun Seung lalu segera masuk ke kamar. Dia segera merebahkan dirinya di tempat tidur Hyun Seung yang besar itu. Ia melihat Hyun Seung yang tertidur sangat lelap tanpa mengetahui apa yang baru saja terjadi antara temannya dan gadis yang dicintainya.


Keeseokan paginya, Hyun Seung dengan semangat segera berlari ke rumah Chae Hee. Ia merencanakan untuk menyatakan perasaannya malam nanti. Ia mengajak Chae Hee untuk lari pagi, kebiasaan rutin mereka setiap pagi. Chae Hee keluar dengan tampang yang kusut seperti orang yang tidak tidur semalaman.

“Kau kenapa?? Tidurmu tidak nyenyak?? Kau sakit?? Sepertinya kemarin kau baik-baik saja”, tanya Hyun Seung sambil memegang kening Chae Hee, memastikan gadis itu tidak apa-apa. Saat Chae Hee ingin menjawab, dia melihat Doo Joon yang keluar dari rumah Hyun Seung. Doo Joon pun juga keluar dengan tampang yang kusut. Mata mereka bertemu dan muka Chae Hee kembali menjadi merah padam. Dia langsung berlari meninggalkan Hyun Seung dan Doo Joon.

“KAU!! Kenapa kau juga kusut begitu?? Tidurmu tidak nyenyak??”, tanya Hyun Seung lagi pada Doo Joon yang sepertinya sedang menghindar dari Hyun Seung.

“Ah, tidak. Aku hanya tidak enak badan”, jawabnya seraya masuk ke dalam rumah. Hyun Seung bingung dengan kelakuan temannya itu. Dia lalu berlari menyusul Chae Hee.

Hyun Seung melihat Chae Hee yang terduduk di kursi taman sambil memegangi pipinya. Hyun Seung menghampiri gadis itu.

“Oppa, itu teman oppa?? Oppa....”, kata Chae Hee agak terbata-bata saat Hyun Seung baru duduk di sebelahnya.

“Oh, iya. Ada apa??”

“Aku.. Kurasa.. Kurasa aku jatuh cinta..”, kata Chae Hee sambil menutupi mukanya.

“HAH?! APA?! Kau.. Kau jatuh cinta... dengan... temanku???”, tanya Hyun Seung tak percaya.

“Kurasa.. begitu.. OPPA!! Kau harus mendekatkan aku padanya yah!! Ini pertama kalinya aku jatuh cinta!! Ya ya ya ya?? Kumohon..”, pinta Chae Hee sambil menggoyang-goyangkan tubuh Hyun Seung yang sudah agak lemas karena mendengar kata-kata Chae Hee. Tak sadar, Hyun Seung menganggukan kepalanya. Chae Hee yang kegirangan langsung memeluk Hyun Seung.

“KYAAAA~~ Terima kasih, oppa!! Aku benar-benar sayang sama oppa!!”

Hati Hyun Seung hancur berkeping-keping. Dia menyalahkan dirinya sendiri yang tidak pernah berani menyatakan perasaan pada Chae Hee. Semua rencana yang telah ia susun, hancur berantakan. Dia pulang dengan sangat kecewa.

Saat dia melihat Doo Joon yang sedang duduk di sofa sambil asik bermain handphone, ada suatu keinginan di hatinya untuk memukul temannya itu karena telah merebut hati wanita yang sudah dia cintai sejak lama. Doo Joon menyadari kepulangan Hyun Seung lalu tersenyum padanya. Dia memberikan Hyun Seung sebotol air putih untuk diminumnya. Hyun Seung menarik tangan Doo Joon dan membawa Doo Joon ke halaman rumahnya.

“Kau.. Hhh.. Aku bingung harus mulai darimana.. Kau tahu gadis tadi yang bicara denganku??”, tanya Hyun Seung dengan nada yang sangat berat.

“Chae Hee maksudmu?? Ya, aku tahu. Ada apa??”

“Darimana kau tahu Chae Hee??”

“Aku dan dia bertemu semalam saat kami sedang tidak bisa tidur dan kami sempat berbincang-bincang sebentar. Lalu kami sempat berkenalan. Memangnya ada apa sih?!”, tanya Doo Joon dengan penasaran.

“Chae Hee barusan bilang padaku kalau dia... suka... padamu... Benar hanya itu?? Kalian tidak berbuat apa-apa?? Chae Hee bukan tipe wanita yang mudah jatuh cinta”

“A.. apa kau bilang barusan?? Chae Hee suka padaku?? Benarkah??”, tanya Doo Joon tak percaya.

Hyun Seung hanya mengangguk lemas. Dia bukan tipe pria yang gampang marah karena cintanya yang tak terbalas.

“Kuharap, kau mau menjaganya. Kau tahu ‘kan kalau aku menyukainya. Aku tak pernah bisa marah. Bahkan saat gadis yang kucintai menyukai orang lain yang tak lain adalah sahabatku sendiripun, aku benar-benar tak bisa marah. Kuharap kau benar-benar menjaganya, ya. Jaga dia untukku. Kumohon.”, kata Hyun Seung hampir menangis. Hyun Seung lalu pergi meninggalkan Doo Joon dan masuk ke kamarnya. Dia sempat menangis di kamar. Kembali, dia melihat fotonya dan Chae Hee yang ada di dompetnya. Dia teringat lagi akan janjinya pada Chae Hee 13 tahun yang lalu bahwa dia akan selalu menjaga Chae Hee bahkan sampai mati.

Doo Joon yang masih mematung di halaman rumah Hyun seung, mulai menyadarkan dirinya sendiri dan segera berlari ke rumah Chae Hee. Saat itu, Chae Hee yang membuka pintu langsung kaget melihat Doo Joon yang berada di sana. Doo Joon menanyakan tentang apa yang barusan dia dengar dari Hyun Seung. Chae Hee mengangguk sedikit menandakan kalau itu benar. Doo Joon yang tidak ingin langsung menjadikan Chae Hee kekasihnya memberi syarat kalau mereka harus menjadi teman dahulu baru menjadi kekasih. Doo Joon juga sempat mengatakan kalau Hyun Seung sebenarnya menyukai Chae Hee. Gadis itu hanya tersenyum dan berkata kalau Hyun Seung hanya dia anggap sebagai kakak sendiri, tidak lebih.


6 Bulan Kemudian
Liburan musim dingin kini sudah usai dan musim telah berganti menjadi musim semi. Doo Joon dan Chae Hee akhirnya menjadi sepasang kekasih. Mereka menjalani hari-hari sebagai pasangan kekasih yang bahagia. Hyun Seung hanya bisa melihat mereka dengan hati yang sedih. Hatinya masih belum bisa menerima kenyataan bahwa sahabat dekatnya menjadi kekasih wanita yang dicintainya.

Jun Hyung, Gi Kwang, Yo Seob dan Dong Woon hanya bisa menghibur Hyun Seung. Mereka terkadang juga berusaha membantu Hyun Seung untuk melupakan Chae Hee dengan menjodohkan Hyun Seung dengan siswi yang lain. Semua usaha mereka sia-sia. Hyun Seung benar-benar belum bisa melupakan Chae Hee.

Chae Hee yang akan lulus sekolah dalam 2 bulan sudah tidak sabar ingin segera masuk ke Seoul University. Itu artinya, dia akan terus berada di sisi kekasihnya sepanjang waktu tanpa harus ada yang mengawasi mereka. Kekasih Doo Joon ini sangat merindukan sang pacar karena mereka mulai jarang bertemu sejak Doo Joon mendapatkan banyak tugas yang didapat dari dosen.

Orang tua Chae Hee agak tidak setuju dengan keputusan Chae Hee yang memacari seorang yang bukan pengusaha. Chae Hee bersikeras kalau ini adalah kehidupannya dan tidak ada satu orangpun yang bisa mengatur hidupnya. Menurut Chae Hee, uang bukanlah segalanya di dunia ini. Cinta tidak bisa dibeli dengan uang menurutnya. Maka itu orang tuanya kalah pada Chae Hee. Mereka membiarkan Chae Hee dan Doo Joon berkencan dan itu makin membuat hati Hyun Seung sakit. Hyun Seung menyesal mengapa tidak dari dulu dia menyatakan perasaanya pada Chae Hee kalau ternyata seperti ini.

Satu hari, keluarga Chae Hee mendapat masalah besar. Perusahaan keluarga Chae Hee bangkrut dan orang tua Chae Hee terpaksa meminjam uang pada lintah darat untuk menopang kehidupan mereka. Tapi karena perusahaan keluarga Chae Hee terus-terusan mengalami penurunan, akhirnya Chae Hee dan keluarganya jatuh miskin. Doo Joon selalu berada di sisi Chae Hee selama masa-masa sulit baginya itu. Keluarga Doo Joon pun ikut membantu keluarga Chae Hee namun apa daya, karena bunga pinjaman orang tua Chae Hee semakin banyak, maka semua uang yang di beri keluarga Doo Joon tidak cukup untuk menolong perusahaan keluarga Chae Hee.

Hal serupa dilakukan oleh keluarga Hyun Seung. Semua usaha agar perusahaan terselamatkan telah berakhir sia-sia. Orang tua Chae Hee ditipu oleh seseorang yang mengaku-ngaku sebagai pengusaha terkenal dari China. Semua saham orang tua Chae Hee dengan segera diambil oleh orang tersebut.

Sementara itu, orang tua Chae Hee yang telah jatuh miskin, selalu melarikan diri dari lintah darat yang selalu menagih hutang yang semakin menanjak tinggi nilainya. Mereka kini tinggal di pemukiman yang bisa dibilang agak kumuh. Doo Joon yang sangat mencintai Chae Hee tidak pernah meninggalkan kekasihnya itu. Doo Joon terus membantu Chae Hee mencari uang untuk membayar kembali semua hutang-hutang orang tuanya.
Hyun Seung yang masih sangat mencintai Chae Hee selalu diam-diam membantu wanita itu membayar sedikit demi sedikit hutang-hutang keluarganya dari hasil kerja sambilannya. Dia meminta para lintah darat itu untuk tidak memberitahukan Chae Hee kalau dia yang membantu membayar. Dia masih ingin menepati janji yang telah dia buat dengan Chae Hee 13 tahun lalu itu. Dia kembali teringat apa yang mereka ucapkan saat itu.

“Hyunseung oppa, janji yah kau tidak akan meninggalkanku selamanya”
“Oh, tentu saja. Aku akan selalu melindungimu apapun yang terjadi sampai aku mati. Aku berjanji”
“Sungguh??Benar??Aku benar-benar sayang oppa!! Terima kasih,oppa!!”

Hyun Seung menangis saat mengingat kejadian itu. Kini dia tahu maksud dari mimpi-mimpinya yang sangat buruk dan membuatnya selalu khawatir. Ya, nyawa Chae Hee sedang terancam. Semenjak orang tua Chae Hee melarikan diri, Chae Hee lah yang harus memenuhi pembayaran hutang-hutang tersebut. Jika Chae Hee tidak bisa membayar semua itu pada jatuh tempo, nyawa Chae Hee akan terenggut.

Hari berganti hari dan kini jatuh tempo pembayaran sudah semakin dekat. Chae Hee sangat takut. Hyun Seung yang sudah berusaha sekuat tenaga untuk membantu Chae Hee juga masih belum bisa menutup semua hutang-hutang keluarga Chae Hee. Doo Joon yang juga selalu ada di sisi Chae Hee terus membantu gadis yang dicintainya itu. Doo Joon berpikir akan lebih baik jika dia menikahi Chae Hee. Tapi, keluarga Doo Joon tidak menyetujui hubungan mereka.

“Oppa, aku takut. Aku tak mau pisah dengan oppa secepat ini. Aku belum mau mati!!!”, teriak Chae hee sambil menangis di pelukan Doo Joon.

“BODOH!! Jangan bilang begitu!!! Oppa akan selalu menjagamu apapun yang terjadi!!! Kau tidak akan mati!! Oppa jamin!!!”, teriak Doo Joon pada Chae Hee. Pelukannya semakin erat. Ini memang adalah saat-saat tersulit dalam kehidupan Chae Hee.


Chae Hee akhirnya lulus dari sekolahnya dan memulai kehidupannya sebagai seorang mahasiswi di Seoul University. Semua biaya kuliahnya di bantu oleh keluarga Hyun Seung. Hutang-hutang Chae Hee pun akhirnya lunas di bayar dengan susah payah. Chae Hee terus memohon pada para lintah darat itu agar diberi tambahan waktu hingga akhirnya, semua telah terbayar.

Chae Hee dan Doo Joon akan segera menikah walaupun hubungan mereka masih ditentang habis-habisan oleh keluarga Doo Joon. Doo Joon tidak peduli dengan keputusan orang tuanya. Dia sangat mencintai Chae Hee dan tidak bisa melepaskan gadis itu.

Pada hari pernikahan Doo Joon dan Chae Hee, Hyun Seung dan teman-teman mereka yang lain datang. Hyun Seung merasakan sesuatu yang tidak enak akan terjadi. Benar saja, para lintah darat itu kembali mencari Chae Hee. Ternyata jumlah yang Chae Hee bayar belumlah semuanya. Bunga-bunga pinjaman masih ada yang belum terbayar. Nyawa Chae Hee benar-benar terancam.

Para lintah darat itu bisa menemukan tempat pernikahan Doo Joon dan Chae Hee yang hanya dihadiri oleh sahabat-sahabat mereka. Kepala dari lintah darat itu meminta anak buahnya untuk membunuh Chae Hee. Dari kejauhan, mereka telah menyiapkan senjata api dan siap menembakkannya ke jantung Chae Hee.

Hyun Seung yang sedang melihat keluar jendela menyadari hal itu dan dia segera berlari melindungi dan menutupi tubuh Chae Hee.

DHUARRR!! Bunyi suara tembakan memecahkan suasana hening akan kebahagiaan Doo Joon dan Chae Hee yang baru saja resmi menjadi suami dan istri. Hyun Seung terkapar di lantai dengan darah yang sangat banyak keluar dari tubuhnya. Gaun pengantin yang dipakai Chae Hee jelas menjadi berwarna merah akibat darah yang keluar dari tubuh Hyun Seung yang telah melindunginya.

Semua orang disana menjadi panik. Jun Hyung dan Gi Kwang dengan segera lari keluar untuk menangkap pelaku penembakan. Yo Seob segera menelepon ambulans dan Dong Woon menelepon polisi. Doo Joon berusaha menghentikan darah yang keluar dari tubuh Hyun Seung itu sementara Chae Hee memeluk tubuh Hyun Seung yang lemah sambil menangis.

“Oppa, kau bodoh sekali!! Kenapa?? Kenapa kau melakukannya?? Biarkan saja aku mati, oppa!!! Oppa!!!”, tangis Chae Hee.

“Bodoh??Tidak..A...aku...tid..ak...bo...doh...Eugh..A..ku..ha..han..hanya..ingin..me...ne..pa..tti janji...kuh..Augh..”, jawab Hyun Seung terbata-bata menahan rasa sakit.

“Janji?? Itu kan hanya janji seorang anak kecil, oppa!!! Jangan tinggalkan aku!!!”, teriak Chae hee kembali sambil menangis.

“Ti...da..k...itu...ada...lah...eugh...jan...ji...yang...ku...ku..kubu..at...un..tuk...wa...wani...ta..yang..sang..at...ku..cin..ta..i..agh..aku..harus se...lalu mene...pati...jan...ji...itu...AAAGH!!!”, kata Hyun Seung yang semakin tidak dapat menahan rasa sakitnya.

Sementara itu, Jun Hyung dan Gi Kwang berhasil menangkap si pelaku penembakan. Polisi juga sudah datang dan begitu juga ambulans. Si penembak berhasil di bawa ke kantor polisi dan Hyun Seung dibawa ambulans ke rumah sakit. Sepanjang perjalanan, Chae Hee menggenggam tangan Hyun Seung.

“Oppa, janji kau harus tetap hidup!! Kumohon!!”, tangis Chae Hee.


Doo Joon hanya mengangguk kecil sementara Chae Hee masih terus menangis.

“Gadis..mung..il..itu..ki..ni..sud..ah..men..ja..di..is..tri..sa..habat..ku..ak..kuh..se..n..ang...Aku su..dah..mene..pat..i jan..ji..ku..Jaga..di..a”, kata Hyun Seung sembari menutup matanya.

“OPPA!!! OPPAAAAA!!!! OPPAAAA!!!! OPPA, BUKA MATAMU!!! OPPPPPAAAAAA!!!!”, teriak Chae Hee sambil menggoyang-goyangkan tubuh Hyun Seung dan menangis. Namun sang empunya tubuh sama sekali tidak bergeming. Bak seseorang yang sedang tidur nyenyak, Hyun Seung menutup matanya. Doo Joon meneteskan air matanya dan memeluk tubuh istrinya itu.

Sesampainya di rumah sakit, Jun Hyung beserta yang lain terkejut karena mendapatkan Hyun Seung yang sudah “tertidur” dengan nyenyak saat dalam perjalan ke rumah sakit. Keluarga Hyun Seung juga sangat terpukul dengan kabar ini. Chae Hee pingsan dalam pelukan Doo Joon. Situasi semakin memburuk di hari pernikahan Doo Joon dan Chae Hee saat dokter mengatakan kalau Hyun Seung sudah meninggal.


Setahun sudah terlewat setelah kepergian Hyun Seung. Doo Joon dan Chae Hee memiliki keluarga yang bahagia walaupun bayang-bayang Hyun seung terkadang muncul dalam benak Chae Hee. Orang tua Doo Joon pada akhirnya menerima Chae Hee sebagai menantu mereka.

Jun Hyung dan Gi Kwang juga sudah memiliki keluarga mereka masing-masing. Yo Seob dan Dong Woon baru saja menemukan wanita yang sedang mereka kencani saat ini.

Semua hutang-hutang Chae Hee otomatis lunas oleh para polisi yang telah menangkap kepala dari lintah darat tersebut. Kehidupannya kini sangat tenang bersama keluarganya yang baru.

***THE END***

Yoomi Park
NOTE : This fanfic is just for fun and I presented this just for my KOLORS' (KpOp LOveRS) ganks..kekekeke..


Aku tertidur setelah puas ber'autis' ria bersama ke-2 temanku tadi siang. Cukup melelahkan rasanya tertawa tanpa henti selama hampir 1 jam. Aku memejamkan mataku dan akhirnya aku tidur dengan sangat nyenyak hingga tiba-tiba aku bermimpi :

"YA!!!Tadi siang kalian membicarakan apa tentang aku,hah?!", laki-laki bertubuh tidak tinggi itu memarahi aku dan teman-temanku. Aneh, ini terasa sangat nyata sekali. Aku semakin jelas melihat wajah laki-laki itu. Aku hampir tertawa terbahak-bahak saat melihat kalau ternyata dia adalah YANG YO SEOB, anggota B2ST yang tadi siang kami bicarakan hingga kami tertawa terpingkal-pingkal.

Ya, kami membicarakan betapa 'pelit'nya hidungnya itu (Maaf ya, B2UTY and YoSeob..bukan maksud author utk ngejek..hihihi..author suka YoSeob koq..XD). Banyak hal yang kami bicarakan siang tadi tentang dia.

Tiba-tiba lokasi mimpiku pindah ke area konser B2ST. YoSeob menghampiri kami bertiga dan membawa kami keatas panggung. Aneh, kenapa harus kami?? Seolah-olah YoSeob sudah kenal dengan kami. Dia menyanyi dengan sangat merdu untuk kami bertiga. Kami tersenyum bangga pada para B2UTIES yang lain karena hanya kami bertiga yang diajak naik ke panggung bersamanya tanpa tahu ada udang dibalik tepung mengapa YoSeob membawa kami keatas panggung.

Selesai lagu tersebut dibawakan oleh YoSeob seorang, manajer mereka yang bernama JoonKuni mengajak kami ke backstage B2ST. Tentu kami sangat senang bisa bertemu dengan B2ST secara personal.

Namun kecewa yang kami dapat. Anggota B2ST tidak ada disana. Yang ada disana hanya YoSeob yang sedang duduk di sofa, mengelap keringatnya. Dia melihat kami bertiga lalu tersenyum sambil mendekati kami. Tiba-tiba....


Kami hanya tertunduk mendengar YoSeob. Ternyata dia tau ssemua apa yang kami bicarakan. Dia ingin kami kerja di rumahnya?? Huaaaaa~~ Tidaaaaaaaaaakkkk~~!!! Siapapun, tolong kamiiiii~~!!

"HIYAAAAAAA~!!!APA YANG KAU LAKUKAN HANOMAN BERKEDOK YOSEOB??", tiba-tiba GiKwang muncul di atas kepala kami. DIA MELAYANG???


HAH?? HAH?? HELLO?? GATOT KACA?? HANOMAN?? INI DIMANA?? INDONESIA ATAU KOREA?? Aku dan teman-temanku hanya saling berpandangan sambil menunjukkan muka bingung. Salah seorang temanku dibawa oleh GiKwang.

"HEH, GATOT KACA!! SANDERA GUE LO AMBIL2!!! BALIKIN!!!", teriak YoSeob pada GiKwang. Wew,tunggu dulu. Aku melihat GiKwang dengan kumis tebal???? Sejak kapan dia punya kumis setebal itu?? Tak lama aku melihat YoSeob dan kulihat giginya yang mulai maju??? Apa-apaan ini??

Tak lama, ada tangan yang menarikku. KYAAAAAAAA~~ Itu JunHyung!!! Biasku di B2ST!!! Aku dengan segera memeluknya. Dia hanya diam dan tersenyum padaku lalu diam-diam membawaku pergi. Tapi, YoSeob lagi-lagi bisa melihat sanderanya dibawa kabur. (Tuh anak kayaknya punya 1000 mata.)

Ewww~ Aku sekarang melihat muka YoSeob yang dipenuhi dengan bulu putih. Ihhh~~ dia benar-benar jadi kayak HANOMAN!!! Huaaaaaaaaaaaa~ ini mimpi apaan sih???

"ANGLING DARMA BERKEDOK JUNHYUNG!!!NGAPAIN LO KESINI?? MAU IKUT2AN C GATOT KACA YEE?? SINI LAWAN GUE DULU!!", teriak YoSeob pada JunHyung. HAH?? Angling Darma?? Apa lagi ini?? Saatku tengok, tiba-tiba JunHyung sudah memiliki rambut yang panjang. OMG!!!

Tak lama, masuklah HyunSeung bersama anggota 4Minute. Aduh, kenapa perasaanku tidak enak ya?? Jangan-jangan ini juga tokoh wayang nyasar dan nyangsang di Korea.

"Hanoman, ada apa sih kau ini teriak-teriak??", tanya HyunSeung dengan lembut.

"Oh, Srikandi. Lo harus bantu gue yah lawan si Angling Darma en Gatot Kaca. Masa mereka bawa kabur sandera gue?!", pinta YoSeob (atau Hanoman??).

SRIKANDI??? Ini kenapa tokoh wayang pada muncul di Korea dalam wujud B2ST?? Aku hampir pingsan!!! Lagian itu kenapa si Hanoman ato YoSeob itu bahasanya gaul amat?? Terus itu 4Minute apa???

"Dayang2ku, cepat kita berubah wujud (?)!!!! Kita bantu Hanoman mengalahkan Angling Darma dan Gatot Kaca!!!", perintah HyunSeung kepada anggota 4Minute. HAH?? DAYANG?? GUBRAK!!! Kirain mereka juga tokoh pewayangan.

Para anggota 4Minute lalu berubah menjadi ksatria2 yang cantik2. HyunSeung pun berubah wujud menjadi Srikandi. Mimpi ini semakin aneh!!!

Tunggu, ini kenapa tiba-tiba lokasi berubah jadi panggung Opera van Java??? Aku melihat ke sekeliling, ada DooJoon yang sudah duduk di tempat dalang dengan sarung dan blankon yang sudah tertata rapi di badannya. Tidak cuma itu, aku melihat para anggota Super Junior semuanya duduk di belakang DooJoon dan menjadi pemain GAMELAN!!! ShinDong yang memegang Gong terlihat cocok dengan Gongnya (?).

Tak lama, aku lihat diriku sudah duduk di kursi sutradara. LOH?! KOK?! Itu~~ BIGBANG?! Mereka menjadi apa?? Aku tak percaya ini!!! G-Dragon menjadi Artists Make-Up sedang DaeSung menjadi penata cahaya. SeungRi menjadi bagian properti sedang TaeYang menjadi bagian kostum. TOP, dia menjadi satpam. Aduh2,mimpi ini benar2 GILA!!!

Aku melihat lagi teman2ku yang sudah duduk di kursi "Scenario's Writer" dan "Director". Mereka menatapku bingung. Mereka ajah bingung apalagi aku?!

Tak lama, manajer B2ST, JoonKuni keluar dari backstage dan WHOAAA~~ dia itu Wiro Sableng??? PINGSAN AKU!!!

Aku berteriak secara tak sadar, "OK, WAYANG!!! STAND BY!!! SIAP ACTION!!!"

Mereka semua langsung kembali ke tempat mereka semula. Aku menganggukan kepala kepada DooJoon menandakan kalau wayang sudah bisa dimulai.

TEK TEREK TEK TEK TEK TEK~!! "Malem, penonton!! Sekarang kite akan liat wayang dengan tema perang antara tim Hanoman dan tim perompak. Tim perompak kali ini akan diperankan oleh TVXQ a.k.a Dong Bang Shin Ki!!!",mulai DooJoon sambil diiringi musik gamelan Super Junior. Setelah DooJoon selesai dengan kata pembukanya, ShinDong memukul gong dengan kepalanya. Aku bisa melihat betapa bahagianya ChangMin melihat itu. Dendamnya akhirnya terbalaskan. (Pada tau kan acara Dong Bang yang ChangMin mukul gong pake kepala??? Hahahaha..)

HEEE?? TVXQ?? Kenapa jadi pada keluar semua gini artis Koreanya??? Mereka keluar dengan IU sebagai sandera. Ada IU juga??? OMG!!!!! IU disini berperan sebagai Putri yang diculik oleh para perompak dan Hanoman akan menolong putri agar bisa menikah dengannya. Backsound sudah diputar dan lagu yang diputar adalah lagu OST DENDAM NYI PELET.

Hanoman (YoSeob) keluar bersama Srikandi (HyunSeung) dan ksatria Srikandi yang cantik2 (4Minute) itu. Mereka mulai berperang dengan para perompak. Tiba-tiba Angling Darma (JunHyung) datang bersama pengawalnya yaitu 2PM. GUBRAK!! Ada lagi itu 2PM. Aigoo~

Hanoman tampak tidak senang dengan kehadiran Angling Darma, dia mencoba mengusir Angling Darma dari sana.

"Oh, jadi kau ga mau dibantu ya??Hemmm, okeh ya sudah saya pergi dulu. Papay~", katanya pada Hanoman.

"Eh?? Lo mau bantu gue?? Ok2, bantuin donk. Panggilin juga si Gatot Kaca tuh", akhirnya Hanoman mau ditolong oleh Angling Darma dan Gatot Kaca.

Eh?? Gatot Kaca bawa DongWoon?? Siapa lagi dia???


PETRUK???OMG!!! Apa karena idungnya yang terlalu panjang itu ya?? Ya sudahlah. Memang ini mimpi teraneh yang kudapatkan. Terima saja deh.

Akhirnya mereka ber-5 siap untuk melawan para perompak yang jumlahnya juga 5 orang. Mataku terbelalak melihat perang yang ada di depan mataku. Biasanya orang perang dengan senjata kan?? Ini kenapa.......

Angling Darma vs Park YooChun = Perang Rap
Srikandi vs Kim JaeJoong = Perang Vokal
Petruk vs Kim JunSu = Perang hidung vs pantat
Hanoman vs Shim ChangMin = Perang suara tinggi (yg 1 teriak Mirotic, yg 1 lg 'I DON'T KNO~~~W')
Gatot Kaca vs Jung YunHo = Perang Octopus Dance

Intinya, perang dimenangkan oleh kelompok Hanoman (YoSeob). Sang putri pun diminta ayahnya untuk memilih diantara kelompok Hanoman siapa yang ingin dinikahinya. Sang putri melihat mereka satu2 dan dia menggeleng ke setiap orang disana. Tiba-tiba mata sang putri menangkap seorang dan mengatakan pada ayahnya kalau pria itu yang akan dinikahinya. Semua serentak melihat kearah sang putri menunjuk. Apa??? TaeYang??? Si pengurus kostum??? Aigoo~ GUBRAK!!!

"Akhirnya si pengurus kostum naik jabatan menjadi pangeran karena menikah dengan sang putri,Hanoman jatuh cinta dengan si penulis skenario, Angling Darma berpacaran dengan sutradara dan Gatot Kaca bertunangan dengan si director. Disini gunung disana gunung, ditengah-tengahnya pulau Jawa. Wayangnya bingung lah dalangnya lebih keblinger, biarpun ceritanya aneh yang penting semua bisa GILA!! Sampai bertemu lagi dengan kami, IDOLS VAN JAVA~!!!", teriak DooJoon menutup acara hari itu diiringi gamelan dari Super Junior.

Penonton hari itu cukup banyak, berkat SNSD. Mereka yang menyebarkan selebaran akan adanya Idols Van Java live. Mereka promosi, "Mau liat TVXQ ber5 lagi?? Tak akan ditemukan dimanapun kecuali di Idols Van Java!! Ayo2, nonton semuanya!!"

Setelah selesai semua, para tukang bersih-bersih masuk untuk membersihkan ruangan yang telah dipakai tadi. Wew, itu bukannya anggota SHINee yah yang jadi tukang bersih2, pikirku. Ternyata benar, mereka mengepel lantai dengan tarian Ring Ding Dong.

Semua kembali ke tempat semula saat aku bangun dari mimpiku yang aneh ini karena alarmku sudah berbunyi dengan nyaring tanda itu sudah pagi dan aku harus bersiap untuk pergi ke kampus. Semoga malam nanti aku tak akan bermimpi seaneh itu lagi.

---THE END---
Yoomi Park
*Note : Readers, please imagine/ pretend that this story is happening in your country and this is your story.. Thank you.. ^^*

"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~~~!!!! That's B2ST!!! That's B2ST!!! KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~~~!!! They're so handsome!!! But, where's JunHyung??"

That's what I heard all of the time, here in my shop. B2ST?? What's that weird name?? Who are they?? I never heard that name before. Well, I'm not into Kpop. All I know from Kpop is just Super Junior. Yeah, I love Super Junior. I have seen Super Junior in real when they had a concert in here. But B2ST?? I never heard about them.

The girls are screaming in front of my shop when the B2ST's members passing my shop. Ugh, so noisy!! I hate this kind of condition!! I think I should close my coffee shop now. I can't take it longer. I have a headache just by hearing the scream. Thankfully, there is not any customers now. Maybe they're busy with that B2ST. I closed my shop and now I'm driving my car to go home.

"Hey, could you please hide me somewhere??"

OH MY GOSH!!! WHO'S THAT?! Someone is whispering from my back!!! I lost my focus on driving and I park my car randomly in the street. I get down from my car and take a look on my car's backseat and I see a man. Who's this man??

"Who are you?? How did you get into my car?? Get out!! NOW!!", I'm yelling to him while opening my car's door.

"Sorry, but I can't. Could you please hide me?? Please!!", he's begging me now. Well, his face is really handsome though. I know that he's not from my country. He's a foreigner.

"Okay, where should I hide you??", I ask him. I decided to help him since his face looks too tired.

"Wherever as long as it is far from the crowded"

"WHAT?! You mean... LEAVING THIS TOWN?? No no no.. Sorry.. I can't go that far.. I have a morning class tomorrow. You can go by taxi then. So, please go out from my car"

He doesn't want to get out from my car. He pulls me in to my car and he takes the driver seat. He started to drive my car. Oh My GOSH!!! This is a kidnapping!! I've been kidnap!!! Help me!!!

"Don't worry. I just want to go from the crowd and I'll be nice to you. I won't touching you. Promise. I'm JunHyung by the way. Who's your name??"

Eh?! JunHyung?? I think I have heard that name. But where?? Hmm, I think he's nice. Okay.just this time I'll be trust him. Well, I need vacation too though. Too many pressures from college and works make me full of stress.

"I'm (say your name). Nice to meet you, JunHyung. You're Korean??"

"Haha.. Yeah, I'm Korean. How did you know??"

"Well, from your name it's obviously a Korean name"

We talk in our way to somewhere I don't know because he takes the lead. He's a nice person if he doesn't have that kind of face. I mean, that cold face. His smile is really cute. We're knowing each other better in our way. We even have a nice conversation about his country and my country. I fall asleep on the way.

"Hey, we arrived. Get up!!", he shakes my body. I open my eyes. OH MY..!!! Isn't this a beach?? Woah!!! It's been a long time since I have my vacation in here.

I'm too excited and I run to the beach. So sad, it's already night time. We can see nothing. He touches my back and said something crazy.

"Since it's already dark, let's stay for one night here. I'll pay the hotel"

Well, he's right. We can't drive back in a night time like this. I try to go to the nearest hotel there to ask them if they have 2 rooms for tonight. He told me to do that. Ugh, BOSSY!! Okay, that's the only one hotel in that area. They said that they have just 1 room. I go back to the parking area, he's talking on the phone and tell him that they just have 1 room. After he hung up his phone, he said, "Take it!! We need to rest!!"

I jump from the car because I'm too shock to hear what he just did say. What?? Did he mean that I will be in a same room as him in that hotel?? Boy and girl in one room?? Hell, NO!! I shook to him. He gets down from my car and he wears a hat which he brings with him in a pocket. He gets in to the hotel and takes the key. He's crazy?!

He pulls my hand and he drags me to go with him. Oh no..!! Is he a pervert?? Mom, Dad!!! Help me!!

In the room, he takes off his jacket and hat. He goes to the bathroom. I think he is taking a bath. I just stand in front of the door, thinking of running away from this man. But my feet can't move. He opens the bathroom's door and just showing his head, telling me :

"You can sleep on the bed. I'll sleep on the couch. Don't worry. Take a good rest. Good night"

Wow.. Unpredictable!! He really doesn't want to "touch" me!! Nice guy!! I sit on the bed and then laying my body there. I fall asleep.

The Next Morning

I wake up before the sun is rising up. I see JunHyung is sleeping on the couch. He really keeps his promise. But he doesn't wear his shirt. He's topless!! Oh oh oh!!! This is the first time for me to see a guy's body. His body is really nice!! He gets an abs and yeah, he has a great body!! I can't tell anymore. My heart is beating so fast. I think I..... No!!! I can't!! I shook my head.

I decided to have a walk around the beach. Hmm, nice weather. I miss this kind of refreshing air. I stretch my body and I take a look to my right sight. OMO!! Someone is standing next to me and staring at me. Who's that??

"Hello, I'm looking for a man named JunHyung. Do you know him??", he asked me with a polite yet scared tone. He's Korean too I think.

"I'm here, HyunSeung-ah", JunHyung shows up like a jinn, makes me shock. He said that in Korean. This man running towards JunHyung and whispering something while staring at me. JunHyung just nodded and said some Korean to that man.

"(say your name), please meet my band... ah, my friend, HyunSeung", he introduces his friend to me.

"Owh, hello, HyunSeung. Nice to know you", I said.

"Nee~ hello. Nice to know you too, (say your name)", he smiled to me. This is the perfect smile that I ever seen in my entire life!!! He must be an angel. Hahahaha.. Just Kidding!!

Again, they're speaking in Korean. I just walk again and suddenly JunHyung calls my name.

"Hey, (say your name)!!I think we will have another night here!! HyunSeung wants to have a vacation here too!!"

"WHAT?! But... but..."

JunHyung just smiles at me and he walks in to the hotel with HyunSeung. HyunSeung turns around his head and smiles again at me. JunHyung sees that and turns HyunSeung's head.

That day, we just walking on the beach. I walk between JunHyung and HyunSeung. Sometimes, I can feel their hands want to hold my hands. We also sit on the beach and start to play the sands. After we got dirty with the sands, we go to the stores near there to buy a clothes. We didn't bring any clothes.

After having a bath, I wear the shirt that same with JunHyung. He forces me to buy the same shirt. HyunSeung seems don't like what we wear.

Night time, we decided to have a barbecue party. This is really a vacation for me!!! It's fun to spend some times with them, 2 guys I don't know. I even forgot to call my family. I bet that they're worried by now and maybe they already called the police. Hahaha..

After having the barbecue, we walk in to the hotel. HyunSeung is the first one to go to the room because he needs to pee. On my walk with JunHyung, I feel his hand touches my hand and holds my hand. He makes me stop walking. He faces me.

"Thanks for everything. I won't forget this day. Do you know who I am and who HyunSeung is??", he asks. I just shook my head.

"Then, come to here, tomorrow night. I'll be waiting and I'll give you a surprise. Don't open the envelope till you get in there", he hands me an envelope and a little note. He kisses my cheek!!! Whoaaaa~!!! He runs away to the hotel.

Well, I kinda sad to be separated from this 2 guys. They're so nice. I walk to the room. I can hear something that makes me in a big shock.

"Sorry, but I can't let you to have her!!! I met her first, HyunSeung!! I fall in love with her first!!! Even before you came!!!"

"What?! How you can be so selfish like that?? Well, I fall for her too!!! I want her to be my girlfriend!!!"

"OKAY!! Then let's see tomorrow on the concert!!!"


Were they fighting over me?? What?? Unbelievable!!! What should I do now?! Oh my...

The Next Morning

JunHyung and HyunSeung are already gone first. They said in a note that they were picked up by someone. They thanked me and they paid the bill. I drive home and still feel uneasy. I like JunHyung and I like HyunSeung too. But the feel for JunHyung is different. Like he can drive me crazy over him. Well, am I falling in love?? With him???

When I got home, my family was really angry with me. I said sorry for maybe 100 times and they finally forgave me. Now, I'm ready to go to the place where JunHyung asked me to meet him there.

I saw the banner there. A big banner. It says, "WELCOME TO B2ST'S AIRLINE - ASIA TOUR". Huh?! There's no picture of the members even the names!!! B2ST??? That name again?? Aigoo!! Is JunHyung the fans of B2ST??

I open the envelope and give the ticket to the security. I go inside and I got the festival part. But where's JunHyung?? I don't see him!!

Suddenly the lights are turn off. The girls are starting to scream as the widescreen shows the members. It comes :


I open my eyes widely when it came to HyunSeung and JunHyung. It's really their face!!! Then, I had a vacation with 2 members of B2ST??? The boyband I never know??? That time, the members going out and sing a song that the girls said it's Shock. JunHyung finds me easily. He smiles at me when he saw my blank-face.

The concert is already went for a half parts. They sing Take Care of My Girlfriend and HyunSeung now finds me. He smiles at me. He even makes a wink. The audiences getting more crazy because of that wink.

Now, they sing Beautiful. JunHyung makes the audiences and the members shock when he comes to me and pulls me to go on the stage with him. HyunSeung just makes a stare and slowly walk to us. The other members started to pick the girls too. At the end of the song, JunHyung and HyunSeung get on their knees in front of me.

JunHyung says, "Today, I want to confess my heart to someone special that makes me happy for these 2 days. As you all know, I was missing for 2 days and HyunSeung was missing for 1 day. Well, we're in a vacation with this lady. She even doesn't know who we are. That's why I feel safe when I'm with her. Actually, I was hiding in her car's back. When she opened the car, I slowly got in to her car. I want to have a refreshing day just for one day. She gave it to me. So, (say your name), I fall in love with you. I don't care with the long distance relationship. I can do it because I love you. You're the first girl that can make my heart's beating so fast. When we talked in the car, when I saw your smile, when I saw your face, that's all make me crazy!! So, could you please accept my confession??"

I can't say anything but I just staring at HyunSeung. He just smiles and makes a sign,"Accept him". I smile and say yes to JunHyung.

"I accept you not because I'm your fans. I will never be your fans because I really fall in love with you too, JunHyung!! Thanks for everything", I hug him.

After that, I can see many fans are sad because of me. But then they said, "Please take care of our JunHyung oppa!! Congratulation, JunHyung oppa and (say your name)!! Be happy!!"

The crews and staffs bring me to the backstage. After the concert, JunHyung introduces me to the other members. We are giving each other phone numbers. Last, before they go back to Korea, they let me to have a time with JunHyung alone.

HyunSeung said,"I know that I just know you for a day and I don't have the right to confess my feeling. JunHyung is the first who met you. I know that you will love him too by looking at your expression today in the concert. Your eyes just caught JunHyung. Congratulation and be happy. Bye~!"

That night is the happiest night in my life. I am a girlfriend of a boyband's member from Korea which I didn't know at first. B2ST are going back to Korea. JunHyung and I always have a communication via phone and chatting. He sometimes come to my country secretly, just to meet me. We have a good time together as a couple.

Yoomi Park
~ Yang Yoseob ~

Appearance: It’s not hard to notice BEAST’s unofficial maknae, what with the blonde hair, the bright smile, and the fact that he always seems to have downed a truckload of sweets. He might seem like a child at heart and action but have you seen how he is on stage? Seriously drool-worthy, and as much a man as any of the BEAST boys. So, he might come off as more of the sweet, bouncy, un-manly type but, believe me, it will be quite satisfying to discover for yourself just how much of a man is hidden under all that aegyo.

Personality: Yoseob is amazingly good-natured, gets along well with anyone and everyone, and can be pretty matured if need be. He’s the regular goofball and likes joking around. Then there’s the hyperactivity, always the smiling cheerleader of the team. He meshes well with his BEAST mates and has the ability to make anyone smile. He’s also extremely devoted, not just to his career and his dreams, but also to the people he cares about.

Money Matters: Yoseob has the amazing, heavenly, God-sent, angelic, kick-ass voice, the hawt dance moves, and the talented bandmates with him that can propel BEAST to the top. It’s all a matter of time. So be patient and wait for the money tree. On the flipside, Yoseob is pretty inventive in more ways than one, so I gather he can think up of some other form of monetary gain.

Around the House: I can totally imagine Yoseob in the kitchen, your pink apron around his waist and cooking you up a storm of delicious goodies. (Who can’t not imagine him like that?) Wouldn’t that just be adorable? Still, I also think he’d be the messy type, leaving his stuff just lying around, but I also imagine him watching you clean up before sidling up behind you and giving you a backhug while whispering in your ear how happy he is you’re with him.

Competition: Ok, it’s probably a given that the aegyo-filled Yoseob has fangirls. It would be against all laws of fangirl-ism for him not to have fangirls. They seem to be quite possessive though (as evidenced in the horrifying IU Marshmallow incident) so don’t be surprised if they most certainly decide to not give you their blessings. Don’t let that stop you however. They’ll come around soon enough.
Also, with Yoseob’s friendly personality, he has no doubt gained himself an army of friends. If any one of them harbors feelings, you’ve got mean competition.

Other than the not-really-that-big-a-competition friends of the blonde and the majorly-threatening-kiss-your-ass-goodbye-if-you-touch-him fans, you’ve got some serious competition in the group itself. There’s Dooseob, Junseob, Hyunseob, Kiseob, Dongseob, meaning, all of them. Plus, each particular pairing has its set of fangirls, so you definitely have one hell of a royal rumble before you.

Last, and this gets special mention simply because (*cough* the author is one *cough*), are the Dooseob fangirls. I mean, they’re not particularly rabid, I guess, but they are pretty numerous. They won’t barge into your wedding and drag you off to tar and feather you, goodness no, but they won’t be pleased. They don’t want Yoseob or Doojoon. They want them together, and since you’re not Doojoon and therefore cannot make their fantasies come true, well…

Fellow BEAST: The BEAST boys will absolutely love you to death if you showed how well you can control this atomic bomb of energy. Seriously. They will be rejoicing at the fact that someone has finally come from the heavens with the ability to control their hyper bandmate. That isn’t meant in a hurtful way though. In fact, just because they are ecstatic doesn’t mean they’ll let you whisk him away in a white horse off into the horizon. Oh no. In fact, I advise you to be prepared for a cross-examination that’ll make the CIA look like wimps.

The band umma, Yong Junhyung, will welcome another sane person to look after Yoseob. Also, he’ll probably keep quiet and reserve judgment on you because he cares for Yoseob’s happiness. And if you are what makes Yoseob happy then he’ll definitely bow out. If the blonde shows any signs of unhappiness however, then he’ll probably ask you to leave in the cool and charismatic way only he can.

If the umma’s even a little concerned, what more the flail-y adorkable oppa? Yoon Doojoon will be worried, ecstatic, fretful, and proud, all at the same time might I add. He will definitely be relieved that he could finally relinquish the role of having to look after and control Yoseob to someone else and, hopefully, someone who could do it better. Still, should he detect any dimming of the blonde’s bright sunny smile and he’ll step into the role of overprotective hyung and ask you, stuttering with fail, to leave. So yeah, Junhyung will probably be the one to throw you out, not him.
Jang Hyunseung will welcome you happily into their BEASTly family. He’ll be pretty observant but keep to himself. He’ll expect you to be a lot of fun though, as a good match for Yoseob, and I think he won’t like it if you’re a party-pooper or a kill-joy. He’ll also see how sensitive and caring you are and how willing you are to share the enigmatic blonde to his band mates and B2uties.

I have a feeling Lee Kikwang will actually the first from the band who you’ll meet, considering how long he and Yoseob have been friends. He’ll be cheery enough and help you get used to the others. However, he will be one of, if not the most, observant of the group. He knows Yoseob for so long he would easily pick up should the blonde be unhappy in any way, so just be sincere in your affections and he’ll pick up how much you really care.

Son Dongwoon, being Yoseob’s midnight snack buddy and regular partner-in-crime, will no doubt extend a friendly smile and hug to you. Since he’s used to hanging out with his overexcited hyung, he’ll expect you to be a lot of fun too and would let you in on all the mischief he and his blonde hyung usually get into.

Family: Not much is known on how the Yang family will take to Yoseob having a counterpart. However, seeing as Yoseob is nice, sweet and cheerful, we can think he got it from his family. Also, since Yoseob doesn’t usually show a very serious side to him, if he shows just how serious he is about you, I’m sure his family will accept you, and all will be well.

In the Bedroom: Where experience might fall short, I’m sure enthusiasm won’t. In fact, you might be the one having to keep up with him. He also seems to be an expressive type of lover, gasp-y and vocal, experimental and excited. He’ll always be concerned about you however, making sure you’re all right and highly satisfied and is the type to not let things go unless they’re a hundred percent accomplished (note double meaning). In short, being with him would definitely be a fun experience. And in the morning, you’d wake up to the adorable sight of a cute boy sleeping peacefully beside you. (Aww…)

Conclusion: When going for Yoseob, make sure you’re prepared to handle this bundle of energy. You’re going to have to learn how to be patient, keep up with him, put up with his antics and learn how to keep him in check. However, this is Yoseob we’re talking about, and he’s definitely more than worth it. Also, Yoseob is far from being a dumb blonde. He keeps the team’s spirits up with his antics, sure, but underneath all that is the heart of a strong, intelligent, and thoughtful man with unwavering passion and dedication to who and what he loves. All it takes is a smile and the next thing you know… he’s stolen your heart.

~ Lee Kikwang ~

Appearance: No doubt one of the first things people notice about Kikwang is his killer smile. This hottie is quite the looker, with the eyes, the charisma and the impressive bod. Everything and anything looks undoubtedly good on him, or rather off him (Author squeals), whichever you prefer. He’s on the short side of the BEAST spectrum but height matters the least, because when this cutie is on stage, he’s the man on top (*snickers* get it?)

Personality: Kikwang no doubt gives off the impression of a true ladies man, with the stage persona filled with confidence and swagger. In reality though, the dude is far from it. He’s simple, sweet, and charming. Also, despite the large flak he gets for his hot looks and those abs that could rule the world, Kikwang seems to be the usual down-to-earth guy who prefers the sweet girl.

Money Matters: Kikwang’s all set to rule Korea and the rest of Asia with BEAST. Enough said on that, so don’t worry your pretty little head about it. If worst comes to worst, Kikwang’s got more under his belt than you can imagine (Am I the only one who’s thinking like you-know-what after reading that part?).

Around the House: I have a feeling Kikwang is the messy type, like really messy. But I have a feeling he also knows his way around the household, although with stuff here and there I think he’s not used to doing. Still, he seems to be the kind of guy who wouldn’t mind learning a thing or two (with rewards of course, *wink*) and will no doubt help you out as best as he can.

Competition: Your number one problem would be B2uties who are distraught over having to relinquish their dreams of his chocolate abs. Tons of them, at that.

Then there are KiWoon fans (like the author!). They’re not very many in number, yet, but fangirls have a tendency to multiply so be prepared.

And that’s Son Dongwoon, and also there’s Yang Yoseob, Jang Hyunseung, other BEAST boys, or maybe that’s just the fans’ interpretation. Fans are statistically proven to rule the world. Respect them. Fear them. You’ll be safe. Cross them. Ignore them. You die, or get thrown out of the country, at least.

Fellow BEAST: The BEAST boys will be quite curious to know who it was that charmed the group’s regular chocolate abs, so you oughta be prepared.
BEAST maknae Son Dongwoon will be quite supportive, you can be sure of that. Since Kikwang is closest to him in age compared to the other BEAST boys, no doubt he’d be very interested and would want to get to know you.

BEAST leader Yoon Doojoon will be excited and concerned at the same time. He’ll be excited, happy and supportive of you, of course, but he’ll also be quite the worry-wart as well. One thing’s for sure, he will get to know you first before passing judgment so just chill and relax when he’s around.

Jang Hyunseung is a sweetheart, you can be sure of that. He’ll definitely be the nicest of the bunch and will look out for you. I even have a feeling he’ll be the one fending off Yoseob’s and Dongwoon’s excitement, pacifying Junhyung’s curiosity, and calming down Doojoon’s worries.

Yong Junhyung will no doubt be highly amused that Kiwkang has finally been charmed by a female and will be interested to see who the girl with the magic touch is. He’ll be observing you well, but don’t be nervous. He won’t bite.

Where Junhyung will be curious, Yang Yoseob will be ecstatic, highly ecstatic. He’s been good friends with Kikwang for years and he’ll be excited to see how well you fit with his friend. He will want to know every single detail of how you met his friend up to when he asked you to be his girl. Every. Single. Detail. Every. As in. Every. Thing.

Family: Not much is known on the Lee family and how they would take to Kikwang having a girlfriend. A tried and true method however is to not overstress yourself in trying to impress them and just be yourself. You might not make a splash of an impression at first but acceptance and respect is better earned than forcibly taken.

In the Bedroom: Wow is the first thing I can say. Let’s see, I bet he would be unbelievable and impressive. No doubt there’s going to be a lot of teasing involved, lots of experimenting and plenty of foreplay. Since he works out, I’m sure he has a lot of stamina (*wink wink*). Also, he’d definitely make sure you’re satisfied in more ways than one. He also seems to be the kinky and dominating type, so you better be ready. (*author cackles*)

Conclusion: With ladies around him, it’s going to be a challenge to get this cutie’s attention at first but persistence always pays off, not to mention playing hard-to-get. You don’t need to be flashy to really get him though. Life in the entertainment industry is hard and idols are always pressured to look good and act properly on camera. So it’s all a matter of understanding him and expressing the fact that you care about who he really is more than what he looks like or what his job is. Isn’t that what everyone really likes? To go home at the end of the day to someone who loves them for the inside and not on the outside.

~ Son Dongwoon ~

Appearance: Dongwoon might not look the stereotypical maknae, but his foreign looks don’t fall short on the tree of hotness (Amen to that). He’s also quite tall and has striking makes-you-melt-into-a-puddle eyes that crinkle at the sides when he shows that gorgeous smile of his. He’s like a godly statue come to life and add to that his voice, which is really deep and quite soothing to the ears, and you’ll seriously wonder where he’s been all your life.

Personality: The BEAST maknae might seem quiet and a little withdrawn during most interviews and shows and sadly, it’s actually quite easy for others (except me! *boasts about it*) to not notice him since he lacks the aegyo and easygoing-ness typical maknaes (and Yoseob) have. But that doesn’t define who he is when off-cam. He’s slowly but surely showing his playful and funny side so wait a while for this cutie and it’s going to be way hard to tear your eyes (and hands) away.

Money Matters: Dongwoon and BEAST are climbing up, up, and up, so there’s no sign of you having a fiscal crisis any time soon. On the other hand, you both can think of something else to support your life together and I’m sure Dongwoon won’t let you down. Also, Dongwoon’s family is rumored to be loaded. I’m sure in dire times the in-laws can help out.

Around the House: Being the youngest of a group of six, Dongwoon is most likely used to doing chores for his hyungs. Poor him, I know, but on the upside it’s good training for when he shares a home with you. I have a feeling he’s not the messy type since, as I said, he’s the youngest of six males and no doubt has to keep himself clean to lessen the burden of cleaning stuff up for his hyungs. (Aww…)

Competition: If you don’t know who the B2uties are, then you should very well be informed right now. They are the awesome fans that love our dear BEAST boys. They’re the first step you must overcome.

Then there are the boys themselves. There’s KiWoon, DongSeob, DooWoon, JunWoon, DongSeung, pretty much all of them. That’s because everyone just loves the maknae, right?

Fellow BEAST: Let me make it clear that you will be with BEAST’s maknae who has five hyungs looking out for him. I have a feeling though that the five hyungs will be a bit lax on the prodding and scrutinizing because, after all, they’re going to be dealing with their youngest ‘un’s lady. They wouldn’t want to make a wrong impression for their dear maknae’s sake. Be prepared though, because I have a feeling they’ll be giving you guys a lot of advice, whether they are needed or not.

Lee Kikwang will be friendly, believe you me, but he’ll be nosy in ways you won’t expect. It’s not surprising though. Dongwoon and Kikwang are closest in age and he’ll no doubt be ecstatic. More than question you, I have a feeling he’ll prefer giving you tips and giving Dongwoon advice on how to keep you happy (*snickers* why, oh why, must I be pervy when it’s Kikwang’s case?).

Jang Hyunseung, ever the sweetest, will be supportive. He’ll be a bit flail-y though. I mean, he’s not used to seeing his dongsaeng with a woman of his own. He’ll be most respectful of your privacy however, and will leave the room blushing and stuttering when he walks in on something he shouldn’t, unlike the others who would most likely just stare or giggle their asses off.

Yong Junhyung will most likely be the least biased towards you, but even he will show his best side. He’s a bit on the devious side though and you’ll see him with that sexy little smirk on his face watching how you and his dongsaeng interact. He’ll respect your privacy though and is one of the only two people in the group who won’t watch bug-eyed or flail with failure at any sort of PDA between you and Dongwoon.

You’re probably going to get bowled over by Yang Yoseob the first time you meet him, since he’ll no doubt be giddy that the maknae finally got himself a girl. He’ll ask you a million questions, ranging from the simplest to the personal ones, and won’t shut up until you answer them all. Still, underneath the hyperactivity, he’s a caring friend, who just happens to love watching you and his dongsaeng. All the time.

Yoon Doojoon will be most cautious. Since he’s a mix of leader, hyung, and friend rolled into one, you’re going to receive a lot of attention from him as the maknae’s partner. He’ll see if you’re going to be a good match for his dongsaeng, so expect him hovering over you and checking to make sure you’re all right. One thing about him is that he’ll be quite the flail-y failure. I can just imagine him, his mouth opening and closing, not sure what to do or say when he sees any sort of sweetness between you and Dongwoon.

Family: Not much is known on the Son family and how they would take to Dongwoon having a lady. Dongwoon’s father however has shown immense support in all aspects of his son’s career, so you can be sure he will extend that same support in his son’s personal life.

In the Bedroom: Dongwoon is mighty tall, you know. No doubt that brings to mind an old adage saying the taller the male, the bi- oh never mind. I’m sure you get the drift. Anyhow, I can just imagine a little huddle with the BEAST boys, the hyungs teaching Dongwoon all the know-how when it comes to sleeping with a girl, and Dongwoon torn between absorbing all the information and blushing in embarrassment and disbelief. Still, I believe Dongwoon, being his own man, will end up surprising you and come up with quite a few unique tricks. Plus, I think you’re the one who needs to be a bit wary, I mean with those foreign looks, I imagine him getting a bit *ahem* primal to say the least.

Conclusion: Since he’s youngest, Dongwoon must be used to always being taken care of or looked after, and I’m sure he’ll be happy taking care of someone else for a change. He’ll be sweet, romantic, caring and will always be there when you need him. He’ll be the one standing outside your door, roses on hand, an awkward yet adorable smile on his face. He’ll be the lover, the husband, the best friend, the partner-in-crime, the perfect first love and the ideal last.


Cr : @B2STRising
Yoomi Park
~ Yoon Doojoon ~

Appearance: The epitome of beastly, Yoon Doojoon is the leader of BEAST. He’s got the manly look down perfectly with his dark hair, dark eyes, fit physique, and the palpable charisma and is the type that pulls off the ‘tall, dark and handsome’ concept very, very, very well.

Personality: Yoon leader is a gentleman. He’s been seen interacting well with his fans, despite the avidness of some B2uties, and is always seen bowing to his seniors and thanking the cast and crew. He’s responsible, friendly, and a perfect mix of manliness and dorkiness. Yoon leader does no wrong.

Money Matters: Doojoon’s all set to rule Korea and the rest of Asia with BEAST. No doubt that comes with a lot of cha-ching. Don’t worry because you’re all set. If not, I’m sure you two will work something out.

Around the House: I think Doojoon would be pretty capable around the house. He’s displayed a knowledge of cooking, though the extent of which is unknown. He has the vibe of a good family man and is very hard-working. If there are things he doesn’t know then you two can work it out together.

Competition: Do I even need to mention the fangirls? Throngs of B2uties will be after your neck, chasing you with pitchforks, and all manners of pointy things. But once they see just how much you care for their Yoon leader, I’m sure they’ll back off. B2uties are extremely nice people, after all.

Plus, there’s also the matter of Yang Yoseob. It is still as of yet unclear as to the nature of their relationship. If feelings between the blonde and the leader are mutual however, then no doubt the aforementioned B2uties, particularly Dooseob fans, will be after you to leave them alone.

On a side note, there are also the DooJun fans, DooWoon fans, etc… that is, if fangirls are to be believed. They’re usually high on eye candy pics and fanfiction, anyway

Fellow BEAST: I’m sure the BEAST boys will graciously accept your relationship, should it be proven that you really do care about their leader, and he you.

Yang Yoseob, if not in any romantic entanglements with Doojoon, will no doubt be first to welcome you into their little BEASTly family. Be prepared for a little nosiness from him though, as that is his nature, but he’s just being concerned and will be your best companion from the team in goofing off and having fun.

Yong Junhyung will be the most cautious. He will scrutinize you and your feelings for his bandmate. Don’t get turned off though because the rapper only has good intentions and will welcome you in once you’ve proven you’re not a crazy fangirl and a detriment to Doojoon and BEAST’s career.

Jang Hyunseung will most likely be quiet, not saying much unless you ask, but give him time and you’ll find him being one of the friendliest and most fun to be with of the bunch.

Lee Kikwang might come off as a bit of a flirt, but he is actually just all friendly. He will be a good friend to you as long as you take care of his leader and not throw him off his dancing, healthy diet, and his overall career.
Son Dongwoon, being maknae, doesn’t really have much say in this matter, unfortunately for him. However, should you cross the Yoon leader in any way, you can be sure he’ll have a lot to say.

Family: Not much is known on the Yoon family and how they would take to Doojoon having a girlfriend, but just be yourself and I’m sure they'd approve of you and Doojoon 100%.

In the Bedroom: I can see Doojoon as being a very passionate lover, lots of touches and whispering sweet words, but he can be quite the beast in bed (pun intended). Being the caring guy he is though, he'd never do anything without your approval and will not hurt you on purpose. He can be a beast or a gentle lover. What more could you ask for?

Conclusion: Doojoon seems to be the kind of family man any girl would want to have. The trick seems to be friends first before lovers, and to be accepting of his family and BEASTly family. You’re going to have to be patient and learn to share him, as he has responsibilities as BEAST’s leader and an idol, but other than that, everything’s fine. Should it not work out, he’ll continue being a devoted friend. So go for it!

~ Jang Hyunseung ~

Appearance: The ‘Eye Prince’ doesn’t just have beautiful eyes, but is certainly easy on the eyes himself. The adorable male might seem to have slightly feminine features with the doe eyes and the pretty smile but, trust me, this boy is ALL man.

Personality: Hyunseung admits to being a perfectionist and a tad indecisive, but has shown immense dedication and strong will. Needless to say, time and experience has toughened him up. He’s also quite shy and quiet sometimes, but once you get to know him, it’ll be hard not to fall for his easy and friendly aura.

Money Matters: Hyunseung’s all set to rule Korea and the rest of Asia with BEAST. Wait a while and you’ll be rolling in the dough. Apart from that, he’s made of stern stuff and is immensely talented so I’m sure you two can think of something else.

Around the House: Hyunseung is an organized person, so I’m pretty sure the house will be well-maintained. As for the household chores, I’m sure he’ll be glad to help out and will even do most of the heavy and hard stuff for you.

Competition: First of all: B2uties who will scrutinize your every move towards their dear BEAST boy. Love will always pull through however, and I’m fairly certain they’ll back off when you show good intentions.

Second: Yong Junhyung. Then again, who really knows the extent of their relationship? Still, better be sure first before attempting to charm our doe-eyed cutie.

Third: Be wary of Junseung fans. See above. Enough said.

Fourth: HyunSeob fans, HyunKwang fans, etc. You know what I’m talking about.
Fellow BEAST: As always, I’m sure the BEAST boys will be very accepting of your relationship, after a few prodding and scrutinizing first, of course.

When the status of their Junseung relationship is proven to be strictly platonic, Yong Junhyung will prove to be quite the guarded one at first and will seem wary of you. When you’ve shown that you’re here to stay and have nothing but Hyunseung’s welfare in mind, then you can be sure that the rapper will be gracious and let you stay.

Yoon Doojoon will be friendly and welcoming but will be very careful since he has to fulfill his role as leader of BEAST, as hyung and as Hyunseung’s good friend. Once he’s on your side though, he’ll be the best friend you can ask for.

Yang Yoseob, BEAST’s blonde bomb of energy, will be overexcited for you and his friend so expect some hyperactivity from him. He takes to people easily and is easy to get to know.

Lee Kikwang might come off a bit nosy but he’s just ecstatic for you and he likes making friends so don’t get mad. He is the kind of friend who’s going to make you smile. He’s good to have on the home team.
Son Dongwoon, as maknae, might seem un-maknae-like to you, but he’s all sweet and polite. He’ll be respectful, wish you and his hyung all the best, and help you out should you need it.

Family: Not much is known on the Jang family and how they would take to Hyunseung having a girlfriend, but Hyunseung fell for you for a reason, and I’m sure his family will to. Just be yourself and everything will go great.

In the Bedroom: Hyunseung gives off a gentle lover vibe, shy at first but caring. When he finally gets the hang of it and knows the right things to do, I’m pretty sure he’d be enthusiastic and all too willing. So just give him time to be ready and once you’ve shown him how much you care about him, then you’re in for the experience of your life.

Conclusion: Hyunseung is the sweetest guy who’d make sure you’re never lonely, hurting, or uncomfortable in any way. He’s been through a lot which gives him a strong mentality, so you can be sure he’ll be strong come what may. He is the kind of guy who would work hard to provide his love with only the best. So if you’re the girl of his dreams, lucky you! If things don’t go as planned, I’m sure Hyunseung will respect and care for you always.

~ Yong Junhyung ~

Appearance: One of the more noticeable features Junhyung’s got is his hair which is fashioned into a variety of styles that just never gets old. His hair has got great body (meaning: it does as it’s told… so why did I get a pervy thought there?) and is so tempting you can’t help but want to touch it. Another thing is that Junhyung is the group’s regular ‘Snow White’. Have you seen his pictures? They totally scream ‘good-looking as hell’. Those lips also deserve a class to themselves, if possible, and his little lisp makes him so cute you can’t help but want him to talk just to watch his lips. Also, he’s a regular fashionista, so you know he’ll always look good. Who won’t fall for a guy who can pull off wearing two different shoes?

Personality: Junhyung has not only got a rapper’s look going on, but also the attitude to match. He’s the type who seems to always know what he’s doing, or if not makes it look like he does. He’s also the type to pull off anything, from adorable and cute nerd to the hot sexy rapper he is on stage. His charisma is so palpable and he’s just so stare-able (if that’s a word) in every aspect. Junhyung is also well-known as the resident band ‘umma’ who looks after the kids, oppa Doojoon and Hyunseung-hyung. You can expect that he’s got the caring and soft side to him. It’s just hidden under that kick-ass, cool, and confident rapper’s swagger of his. So it’ll definitely be a treat and accomplishment on your part to discover this hottie’s sweet side.

Money Matters: Junhyung and team BEAST are aiming to go up, up, and up, and you can be sure they’ll get there. It’s all a matter of time. Also, can you imagine Junhyung on the streets? No, right? Junhyung is not only the type who’s going to succeed at life no matter what he does, but he’s also the type to work hard and provide for those he loves. So I’m absolutely positive you’re going to settle in pretty good, welcoming home a loving husband who makes you happy every single day.

Around the House: Junhyung, as band ‘umma’, likes keeping things clean and neat. Because of that, a clean and organized household is the least of your worries. Also, if you’ve heard of his infamous nagging sprees, don’t be too scared. I’m sure he won’t nag you to death like his bandmates. Actually, he may take the initiative to teach you a thing or two. Then again, who wouldn’t want to learn anything from him? Although I think he’s the type to give out little punishments. A disorganized wardrobe? Tsk. Tsk. To the bedroom for you (because you’re grounded! And not because of… uhm… *blushes* Ok, whatever).

Competition: I am serious when I say this: You better be prepared if you have your eyes set on this hottie because you have a hell of a battle before you. I mean, seriously (even against yours truly). Some fans have proclaimed heartache at the mere thought of Junhyung with a girl, but don’t be too alarmed. They have also stated that despite the heartache and endless hours and days of crying a Nile River of tears, they know their bad boy has a life of his own and will let you be as long as you show love, understanding, and sincerity. Just in case though, how good are you at self-defense?
On another note, there are the BEAST boys as fierce competition too. To state: JunJoon, JunSeung, JunSeob, JunKwang, JunWoon. Junhyung has shown how close he is to his bandmates and if he shares a more than platonic relationship with any of them, you don’t have much of a chance.

Also, there are the JunSeung fans, which are so far the more known fans amongst the lovely flexible pairings. I mean, the sweet and innocent with the confident bad boy is a pairing well-loved in any romantic scenarios. This case is not much different.

Fellow BEAST: They will ask…and ask…and ask. What else could you expect if a bunch of guys suddenly found out that someone managed to capture the heart of their beloved ‘umma’?

Yoon Doojoon will welcome you in his gentlemanly and lovable way, but inside he’ll be a bit distressed. After all, you are taking away the band’s beloved ‘umma’ thereby leaving the poor ‘oppa’ to fend off the kids. No doubt he’s sweating bullets at the thought of having to handle them all by his lonesome. So just assure the adorkable leader that you aren’t here to take away Junhyung and that you’re more than willing to help out with the other BEAST members and I’m sure you’ll get top marks in his book.
I have an image in my head of Jang Hyunseung gaping, shocked that Junhyung has a lady of his own, before jumping up and happily welcoming you into the BEASTly family. Since Junhyung has a pretty charismatic personality, Hyunseung will most likely try to get to know you better and see how well you mesh with the bad boy rapper. Also, I have a feeling he’ll be glad that someone is finally around to stop Junhyung’s nagging.

Once Yang Yoseob finds out about you, he will definitely want to meet you. Be forewarned though. Yoseob is a curious yet adorable creature. He will be nosy, noisy, hyperactive, and will be all over you once he sees you reign in Junhyung’s nagging. Also, I have a feeling you’ll get plus points from the blonde should you show how much fun you are. So be yourself, be a tease, joke around, but always be poised and pretty.

Lee Kikwang will definitely be amused and very thankful. I mean, with umma having his own lady love, there will be no one to nag them all the time, right? It means more fun for him! Although it would be good to have this cutie on your side, don’t get too swept up with his antics though. It would be good to occasionally nag him yourself to make him calm down. Still, Kikwang’s as friendly as welcoming as they come and he’ll be a good buddy to have around.
Cutie maknae Son Dongwoon will be a bit sad at having to lose half of his BEAST parents. Then again, I’m pretty sure he’ll be glad to actually have a female ‘parent’ looking out for him. Although Junhyung is a pretty cool substitute-umma, the nagging isn’t really cool. Dongwoon loves his hyungs of course, but no doubt he would appreciate the caring nature of a female.

Family: Not much is known about the Yong family and how they would take to Junhyung having a girlfriend. Still, Junhyung isn’t the type to just do things without thinking them through (except when jumping you… there I said it! *gets bricked*), so I’m sure they’ll take it into consideration that Junhyung must be very serious about you. They’ll accept his decision and I’m sure they’ll try to get to know you well and treat you like a member of the family.

In the Bedroom: Experienced… It’s just a feeling that he would be awesome, like wow, you know? Then again, what do I really know, but I stand firmly by that description. Junhyung would undoubtedly take the lead on this sexy tango though, so just relax and enjoy. Or rather don’t relax, just vocally announce your appreciation of his assets and talents (I know I would *gets hit by a car*). Junhyung seems to be the dominating type too. No doubt he’ll be marking his territory quite often, ranging from the obvious of places to the *ahem* unforgettable ones. I also have a feeling he likes surprises, so be extra daring and show him just how well you can make your man happy.

Conclusion: Junhyung might give off some bad-ass, sexy-as-hell, confident, and cool vibe but when it comes down to someone he loves, I have a feeling he’s the exact opposite, except the sexy-as-hell part of course. He might seem the rough type, all gung-ho and charisma, but underneath all that is a romantic. Seriously. Can’t you imagine it? It’s the perfect evening, rose petals on the sheet, curtains drawn, music playing, and you wonder who the hell has kidnapped your husband, when he steps out, dressed to impress, with a smile, and not a smirk, on his face just for you. He’s the type that can be anything in the world he would want to be and would inspire you to be the same. You cannot go wrong with this hottie.

-TO BE CONTINUE- (Yang YoSeob, Lee GiKwang & Son DongWoon)

Cr : @B2STRising
Yoomi Park
MinYoung’s POV
Now I know what the surprise was Ki Seon said last night. It’s Ki Kwang, my 1st love, the boy that always came to my house when I was live here. Yes, the boy that I mentioned before. The boy that lived next to me 13 years ago is already grown up as a handsome man. But I feel bad because he already has a GF. My heart is hurt now.

The headmaster is sitting across and he starts to explain the instruction and the rules of the school. But really, I can’t focus on what he says. I’m still thinking about Ki Kwang. Then, the headmaster gives me the photos of the students of a class where I’ll be. I caught one face. His face pulled my interest. I don’t know why but I keep looking at this face. I don’t see the other faces. This face is really cool but I can see sadness on his eye. When I want to see his name, the headmaster pulls the photos and takes me to the class.

When I introduce myself, I locked my eyes on him, the cold face. He is seeing the outside through the window. I see the chair next to him is empty and I immediately sit on that chair. He looks at me and makes a cold expression. He doesn’t like if I sit there. As I turn my head to the right, I see Ki Kwang’s face. GOSH!! We even in the same class!! He looks at me too. He smiles and turns his head. Well, I think he already forgot me.

The lessons go smoothly and I can understand all of that material. Cool, not like in Jakarta, the teachers here are so attractive and funny. The way they explain the material is so easy to understand. But, this guy who sits next to me is sleeping. I don’t know but I really want to know him really well. I can see Ki Kwang’s nervous face. I don’t know what makes him nervous. Is it the material or ME?? Well, kinda impossible but who knows that it’s true?? Hmm, I can see the 2nd guy from the gang also in the same class with us and he sits in front of Ki Kwang. He seems so genius by his appeal. Wonder what his name is.

The bell for break time is ringing. I want to get out from the class to meet Ki Seon but someone holding my shirt. Wow, it is “the cold face”. He is standing up and walking passes me. When he is about to go out from the classroom, he suddenly get back to our desk and said, “I hate to share something with people, so better if you go from this area. This is mine. There is one empty chair there. Go away!!! Go away before I hate you”. Then, he is leaving me in a shock face. Well, there’s an empty chair but it’s next to KiKwang’s. The class just has 2 empty chairs. First is next to JunHyung’s and the second is next to KiKwang’s. How can it be like this??

KiKwang is already went out with that 2nd guy from his gank. The rest of the ‘members’ of his gank waiting for him in front of the class with Ki Kwang’s GF. As soon as Ki Kwang went out, that girl kissed him right on the cheek. Well, I kinda jealous because Ki Kwang is my 1st love. They disappeared after that. Wow, what was that?? The ‘cold’ guy is also a part of them?? He was staring at me with angry look and what the... Ki Kwang also stared at me on the same time as him but with a ‘guilty’ look.

So, what I supposed to do now?? Sit with Ki Kwang or with him?? Well, I don’t know why but I really want to sit next to the ‘cold’ one. I want to know him well. I know that he is hiding something. It appears on his eyes. I decided to stay on my chair. I’m not going anywhere. Whatever. If he hates me, then good. I don’t want to make friends here. I just want to study and graduate from school. It left 1 year more to finish all the study and we will graduated. But it’s so strange why I’m interested in him. Not because I like him, but because of his sad eyes.

I go out from the class. Suddenly, I bumped into a girl. She’s pretty. Woah, she’s crying?? What happened?? I help her to stand up. She hugs me immediately.
“Whoaaaa.. Hey, hey..”, I’m trying to let her hands go but she keeps crying.
“Hmm, agashi, what happened?? Why are you crying?? Maybe I can help you”
“Huh?? Really?? Hiqz.. Thank you, umm..”
“Min Young. My name is Han Min Young. Sure, I’ll help you”
“Thank you so much, Min Young-ah. My name is Na Kyung. Shin Na Kyung. Nice to meet you”
“Uh.. Hahaha.. Yes, nice to meet you too. So, if you don’t have anything to share, then can I go now? I need to...”
“Ah, sorry.. I have something to share but I can’t tell you here. Can we meet after school??”
“Eh?? Sure.. where??”
“My house..!! I’ll take you there. Maybe you didn’t recognize me before. I actually sit next to HyunSeung-kun”
“Huh?? Who’s HyunSeung-kun??”
“Wow?? How did you not know about this man?? Know his gank?? B2ST!! He sits in front of the school’s prince, Lee Ki Kwang”
“ahh.. So his name is Hyun Seung?? Well, then will you wait for me after the school?? I need to change my clothes first because I don’t like to wear uniform outside the school”
“well, you kinda weird.. but, that’s okay”
“Hahaha.. That’s what I did in Indonesia. Never wearing uniform outside the school. Okay, can I go now??”
“Sure, Min Young-ssi. See you later”

Phiuhhh.. What a relief. I thought she won’t let me go. She seems lonely in this school. What a pity. Whoaa, why I care about her?? I need yo see Ki Seon right now.

I arrived in front of his class. But where is he?? Why I don’t see him around here?? Ki Seon-ah where are you?? Hhh.. Suddenly, his friend came outside the class and told me that Ki Seon was going first because he has schedule. Aaaargh.. Having a star brother is not like what you imagine. He rarely be there with or for you. I have to go back to my ‘damn’ class, then. I passed B2ST. That ‘cold’ guy approached me and asked me if I already moved. I don’t answer him and just continue my walk to the class. He runs after me and holds my arm. It hurts.


I just keep silent but I stopped walking. I try to let go of his hand. I face him. I stare at him. I can see the other members staring at us. Especially Ki Kwang. My eyes are lock on his eyes. So do his eyes. This ‘cold’ guy follows my eyes and takes a look who I staring at. He makes a sigh and a smirk. He whispered something to me. Ki Kwang’s eyes got bigger when he saw this. He made a little step like he wants to help me from a ‘bad guy’. His GF looked at him and me. Her eyes made me want to punch her face. It likes nobody can be closer with Ki Kwang except for her. I shocked after I heard what this guy whispered to me.

“You like Ki Kwang?? Ha.. Why everybody love him more than me?? You know what?? His GF is actually my GF.. Do you want to make a deal with me to destroy their relationship??”

I slap his face suddenly. I don’t want to destroy anything in this world. Even if my 1st love is forget about me. I run from him. I know he will hate me so much now.

The class will begin in 10 minutes. I already sit on my desk. Ki Kwang, Hyun Seung and the ‘cold’ guy finally enter the class. They even don’t look at me. The ‘cold’ guy sits next to me and he said, “I hate you”. I just say, “That’s okay. I don’t want to make any friends though. I just wanna graduated from here fastly. Just don’t talk with me”. He got shock when I said that. Perhaps he never imagine that I will said that.

The class ended on 6PM. I had a great study here. Like usual,the guy who sits next to me was sleeping. I’m going to change my uniform to my casual clothes. I don’t change my uniform in the changing room. I chose to use the lab. When I undress my uniform, someone opened the door. GAH!! Him again!! I scream as loud as I can. He closes my mouth with his hand. I almost crying. I’m half naked!! He saw everything!! DAMN!! He knows that I’m crying and he released his hands from my mouth. I cry on the floor.

“Hey.. sorry.. I’m so sorry.. Really.. I don’t mean it”

No answer from me. I just cry and cry. He takes off his jacket and puts it on my body.

“Another time, don’t use the lab for change. Use the changing room or the toilet. It can be happen again in the future if you do this again. I’m leaving”. I throw his jacket to his back.

“Take it!! I don’t need it!! Go away!!”. I don’t have any idea that my jacket also threw to his back and he took it too with him and he leaves. I don’t have any strength to go to Na Kyung’s house. I meet her downstair and cry. She asks me what happened with me. She leads me to her car.

In Na Kyung’s house suddenly my phone is ringing. Probably it’s Ki Seon.

“Hello?? Ki Seon??”
Ki Seon?? No no.. Do I speaking with Han Min Young??”, wait a minute. I think I know this voice. Oh my!! This is that cold guy’s voice!!! How did he know my number??
“What do you want now??”
“You recognized me?? Sorry, but your jacket is with me and I found your phone number inside
“Good.. Then bring it to my apartment. I’ll be waiting for you there. Thank you. You can find my address inside my jacket too”
Oh.. Okay.. See.....”, I hung the phone. Whoaa, but why he acted so nice?? Well, whatever. I said goodbye to Na Kyung just before we went in to her house. I said that I have an appointment with someone who found my jacket and said sorry to her. I promised her that I’ll come by alone tomorrow since I know the way to go to her house. It’s not far from my apartment.